Hoahh,, its been long time not put new post into this blog..
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i know there isnt much people who now and come stop by to see what im putting on this blog..
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sorry for made all of ya waiting.. but dont forget to visit this blog some time..

Hunter Union

Steruzz Chesterouz Valentine,-

Source : J. A. Cheyne 
                      Department of Psychology 
                      University of Waterloo

Nightmares and nocturnal attacks have been closely connected to myths and monsters across time and cultures. It has even been even suggested that the night-mare is the origin of all mythology (see Kirby, 1901). Although few modern scholars would be quite so bold or sweeping in their claims the pervasiveness of the nocturnal attack in mythology, religion, and legend is quite striking. Ardat lili or Lilitu, an evil Sumerian spirit, is one of the earliest Hag-demons. She was capable of flying, which she preferred to do at night, at which time she frequently attacked men in their sleep. She is thought to constitute the prototype for the Hebrew Lilith and the Roman Lamia (Russell, 1995). All these female spirits or demons have in common an association with nocturnal attacks. Moreover there are a number of related spirits described in Middle Eastern and European lore with connotations of leaping upon, oppressing, or crushing, supine individuals as they attempt to sleep at night. Some of the better-known spirits of this sort are; Greek ephialtes (one who leaps upon) and mora (the night "mare" or monster, ogre, spirit, etc.), Roman incubus (one who presses or crushes), German mar/mare, nachtmahr, Hexendrücken (witch pressing), and Alpdruck (elf pressure); Czech muera, Polish zmora, Russian Kikimora, French cauchmar (trampling ogre), Old English maere (mab, mair, mare-hag), hagge, (evil spirit or the night-mare--also hegge, haegtesse, haehtisse, haegte); Old Norse mara, Old Irish mar/more, Newfoundland Ag Rog (Old Hag), and the Spanish pesadilla ( Keissling, 1977; Hufford, 1982; OED, Roscher, 1900/1979; Sebald, 1978; Thompson, 1957; Ward, 1981). In addition, the Greeks also had the pnigalion (the choker) and the barychnas (the heavy breather)troubling would-be sleepers (Keissling, 1977). In addition to attacking helpless humans at night these creatures were shape-shifters, able to take on various forms during these attacks (Keissling, 1977).
Among the writers of European antiquity, Herodotus provides an early account of an ephialtes who appeared to the wife of King Ariston of Sparta in the form of the King himself, although it was itself the spirit of the deceased hero Astrobacus. Horace makes a reference to a threat whereby a boy claims that if he is killed he "will attend you as a nocturnal fury; and, a ghost, I will attack your faces with my hooked talons (for such is the power of those divines, the Manes), and brooding upon your restless breasts, I will deprive you of repose by terror." In Greece and Rome, the ephialtes and the incubus were identified with gods and demons of the forest and woodland, such as, the god Pan (Roman = Faunus), as well as Satyrs, Sirens, and Silvani (Kiessling, 1977), and even with the goddess Diana (Russell, 1995). Many of these creatures were depicted as resembling humans in the upper portions of their bodies and beasts, usually goats or fauns, in the lower extremities. This association was evidently still quite strong by the time of Augustine who explicitly associated Pan with the incubus. Pan was particularly associated with shepherds and goatherds and one may well imagine that the isolated and rigorous life of such individuals predisposed them to many nocturnal visitations. Similarly, the succubus Lilith was to be typically to be found in the remote regions of the desert (Isaiah, 34:12). Pan's attacks were of course associated with panic. Pan was also more generally seen as the instigator of "dreams and visions, especially those that produced sudden, violent terror" (Kiessling, 1977, p. 5).
There is also certain classes of angels, "watchers" and "fallen angels," referred to in the Judeo-Christian traditions, associated with the incubus. Some were sent to watch over humans, and sometimes became enamoured of human women. The progeny of such encounters were, however, monsters and demons who further molested and assaulted helpless sleepers (Kiessling, 1977). Augustine doubted that angels were the source of incubi, though he had no doubt that the latter existed. "There is, too, a very general rumor, which many have verified by their own experience, or which trustworthy persons who have heard the experience of others corroborate, that sylvans and fauns, who are commonly called "incubi," had often made wicked assaults upon women, and satisfied their lust upon them; and that certain devils, called Duses by the Gauls, are constantly attempting and effecting this impurity is so generally affirmed, that it were impudent to deny it" (ch. 23). Martin Luther was unequivocal in asserting that, "sunt incubi et succubi daemonis . . ."
In some traditions these monsters are the descendents of Adam and his first wife, none other than Lilith herself (Kiesling, 1977). Certain midrashic stories allege that Cain is an offspring of such a union, in this case between Eve and the ultimate fallen angel, the devil himself. It is not surprising, therefore, that Beowulf's foe, the monster Grendel (referred to at least once n that famous poem by the term maere--Kiessling, 1977) is described in the poem as a descendent of Cain. Grendel, a cannibalistic devourer of men invariably carries out his attacks in the dead of night on sleeping men. Prior to Beowulf's confrontation with Grendel, Hrothgar tells him how previous heroes have been defeated, apparently because they were unable to remain awake. It is also worth noting that Beowulf eschews arming himself for the confrontation with Grendal on the grounds that Grendel does not bear arms. He destroys Grendal as Grendal destroyed men, by ripping a limb from its socket.
These experiences and their ensuing personification and elaboration are by no means limited to western culture. In St. Lucia, West Indies, an attack of kokma comes at a time that the individual is just falling asleep or just waking up. The sensations include pressure on the chest, inability to move, and anxiety. The kokma is the spirit of a dead baby that haunts an area, attacking people in their beds. In a familiar pattern, they jump on the victim’s chest and clutch at the throat. The victim attempts to cry out, or in some other way to get another’s attention, someone that might scare off the kokma. Informants described the babies clutching at their throats. The notion that the attacks are thought to be initiated by dead, unbaptized babies is also found in Ireland. "The kokma cannot be controlled, they grab people just for the hell of it" (Dressler, 1977, cited in Ness, 1978). In Thailand experiences referred to as Phi um (ghost covered) and phi kau (ghost possessed) involve pressure, immobility, and something black covering the body. In Japan kanashibara ("to tie with an iron rope") is a common and widely known experience (Fukuda, 1993). In Korea, people are afflicted by ka wi nulita ("scissors pressed"), an experience felt to be brought on by fear. In the Far North one speaks of agumangia (Inupik) or ukomiarik (Yupik) in which "a soul" tries to take possession of the paralyzed victim. In Laos, (Lemoine & Mounge, 1983) da chor is described as follows: "You want to listen, you can’t hear; you want to speak, you are dumb; you want to call out, you cannot; you feel you are dying, dying; you want to run away. You piss with fear in your sleep" (cited in Firestone, 1985, p. 61). In the Philippines people are afflicted with urum, ngarat (Simons & Hughes, 1985). Among the Hmong of Laos the nightmare spirit is referred to as dab (nightmare) tsog (evil spirit) or tsog tsuam (evil spirit who crushes, smothers, or presses upon) (Adler, 1994).
As Hufford (1976) noted almost a quarter-century ago, of the SP night-mare, " (1) the experience is wide-spread, at least in Western culture; (2) it has been regularly reported for more than two thousand years; (3) it has been attached to a variety of narrative frameworks . . . , but regardless of the framework, the experiential features have remained basically the same; (4) this consistency of detail, apparently rather independent of tradition, is the most surprising and difficult to account for" (p. 78). These experiences appear to be widely known in traditional cultures, in marked contrast to industrialized society. Hufford (1976) found that, among his Newfoundland participants who had been hagged, half did not know the Old Hag tradition. This is the same proportion of the entire sample who had not heard of the tradition. This, of course, quite inconsistent with the cultural source hypothesis that such experiences are induced by knowledge of cultural traditions. Subsequent research has made clear that these experiences are by no means limited to Western cultures. Also striking in this connection is the similarity of the descriptions of the SP experiences across all cultures, including industrialized culture which appears to have no commonly accepted popular myths to offer cognitive support to the experiences. Hufford (1976) makes a fairly convincing connection between sleep paralysis and "bedroom" alien abductions as described by Keel (1970). Many others have made this connection since (Baker, 1994, Blackmore, 1998; Spanos, 1994).

Source : The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft & Demonology

Mare.  The supposed mare (demon) which during the night sites on the chest and causes feelings of suffocation.  Very occasionally mare refers to the nightmare dream itself.  Mare is an Old Teutonic stem (Old English mare, demon, quite distinct from Old English mere, a female horse); it is found also in the French word for nightmare, cauchemar (caucher, to trample).  Very often it is used interchangeably with incubus, as in the early Anglo-Saxon Glosses (about 700) and in Bacon (1626):  "The incubus, which we call the mare." The mare (as well as the incubus) was also known by the scientific name, ephialtes (Greek = to leap upon); and in German by alp or mara.
The picture of the mare remains very constant in all accounts; the early nineteenth-century work, The Philosophy of Sleep, by Robert Macnish (1830) gives the common picture:
A monstrous hag squatting upon his breast - mute, motionless and malignant; an incarnation of the evil spirit - whose intolerable weight crushes the breath out of his body, and whose fixed, deadly, incessant stare petrifies him with horror and makes his very existence insufferable.
While the reality of the mare was accepted by the standard demonologists, King James I in hisDemonology (1597) denied it, answering his own question: Is the "mare, which takes folks sleeping in their beds, a kind of these spirits?" no, it is
but a natural sickness, which the mediciners have given that name of incubusunto, ab incubando, because it is a thick phlegm, falling into our breast upon the heart, while we are sleeping, intercludes so our vital spirits, and takes all power from us, and makes us think that there were some unnatural burden or spirit lying upon us, and holding us down.
The mare also attacked horses, and Sir Thomas Brone (1646) tells how a stone hung up in the stables prevents the disease.


A charm against harm by night, especially against the nightmare of mare.  In Chaucer's Miller's Tale, the carpenter recites a white paternoster as a charm against the nightverye [monster]:
Jesu Christ and Saint Benedict,
Bless this house from every wicked wight.
Another invocation was mentioned by Fletcher in one of his plays (1619):
St. George, St. George . . .
He walks by day, he walks by night.
In his Compendium Maleficarum (1626), Guazzo gave directions for securing protection during sleep
by reciting holy psalms and prayer, such as Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi or In te Domine speravi, or some such orison.  Let them make the sign of the cross, reciting the Salve regina mater misericordiae, the paternoster, the Ave Maria, &c., if they would be safe from such snares.  Let them have by them a waxen Agnus Dei blessed by the pope, or some holy relics.  For such devotions are the safest protection and rampart against all the wiles of the prince of darkness.

Christian hell is a place of final justice for the wicked who have offended God and have died without seeking forgiveness.  The Bible describes the realm as "everlasting fire prepared for the DEVIL and his angels" where souls of the damned suffer according to their sins.  It is called "lake of fire" and a "bottomless pit."  SATAN, a former angel who rebelled against God and started a war in heaven, is hell's overlord.
There is no generally accepted information regarding the location or SIZE OF HELL, nor is there a consensus about who has been damned.  In fact, most Christian leaders teach that there is no evidence that any souls have been condemned to this eternal abyss.  (Some scholars believe that the Bible implies that Judas is in hell.  Jesus is quoted as saying, "It would be better for him [Judas] if he had never been born."  They theorize that the only fate worse than nonexistence is damnation to hell).
Theologians and philosophers through the ages have attempted to offer details about the nature of the underworld; however, little doctrine has been universally accepted.  As we head into the twenty-first century, the specifics of Christian hell remain unresolved.  Many hold the view that the underworld is a place of sensory torture and agony; others believe that it is merely a state of mental anguish.  Still another group believes that damnation to hell is a temporary punishment before ANNIHILATION.  These various interpretations of the underworld are illuminated in numerous literary works by Christian authors, including Dante's DIVINE COMEDY: THE INFERNO, Milton's PARADISE LOST, and a host of MYSTERY PLAYS and MORALITY PLAYS.  Visions of the land of the damned are also depicted in paintings, sculptures, and mosaics found in Christian CHURCH ART AND ARCHITECTURE.
St. AUGUSTINE, a fourth-century doctor of the church, wrote several academic texts regarding hell.  In CITY OF GOD, he asserts that in the underworld, the damned suffer both physically and spiritually and that this torment continues for all eternity.  He cites the Bible and traditional beliefs as the basis for his deductions, such as the passage in the Gospel of St. Matthew that those who ignored Christ's words "shall go away into everlasting punishment."  Augustine's theories were sanctioned by Christian authorities at the Synod of Constantinople in 543 and heavily influenced the teachings of both Martin Luther and John Calvin.  And his conclusions about the underworld are still taught in Catholic institutions.
Yet many Christians believe that the pains of hell are metaphorical.  The fires of the underworld, for example, are not the actual flames but the burning pangs of a guilty conscience.   The "everlasting torment" is the unending separation from God.  Evangelist Billy Graham professed this belief in his Sermons from Madison Square Garden in 1969.  He stated that "the fire Jesus talked about is an eternal search for God that is never quenched," not a true inferno.  This view is shared by many Protestant denominations, which find the notion of a place of physical torment to be somewhat outdated and incompatible with the notion of a merciful God. 
Modern concepts of horrors in the afterlife have also been weakened by the atrocities witnessed by recent generations.  It is difficult to imagine greater terrors than the Nazi concentration camps, nuclear devastation, and the wholesale slaughter of political dissidents in China, Cambodia, and Eastern Europe.  And the advances of technology have led many to believe that there is no place for traditional hell in the mind of today's educated and enlightened thinker.  For this reason, some have embraced annihilation theory, which maintains that in the afterlife evil souls will be eradicated from existence.
Critics of annihilation theory claim that belief in an underworld for unrepentant sinners, whether actual or metaphorical, remains essential to the importance of Jesus Christ's redemption of humanity.  Without a hell, his sacrifice and death would not have been necessary.  Many further claim that existence of hell also serves as proof of free will.  God does not force anyone to love him nor to spend eternity with him in heaven if that individual would rather choose evil, selfishness, and ultimately damnation.
Today, most denominations emphasize God's mercy and encourage their faithful to strive for heaven rather than to try to cheat hell.  They also stress that damnation is a choice made by those who reject the Almighty and not a punishment imposed on evildoers by an angry or vengeful deity.  So while debate continues over the specifics of the unpleasant afterlife, most Christians retain that hell is real and that everyone is vulnerable.


Buddhism, like many Eastern religions, teaches that souls are reincarnated into other life-forms after death and therefore suffer no eternal damnation.  The Buddhist tradition does, however, include many temporary hells where bad KARMA is burned away.  The belief is that the spirit itself is not evil; it must simply atone for wicked acts performed during its time on earth.  A soul's ultimate goal is to reach Nirvana, a state of collective universal bliss.
On this cosmic pursuit, a soul may spend time in one of the many Buddhist hells.  These include places of extreme heat, swamps of pitch, torture chambers, and cold regions of icy suffering.  Details about the specifics vary from region to region, with as many as 136 hells described in some traditions.  The most gruesome realm of Buddhist hell is AVICI, the lowest circle where the worst of the damned are punished.
Chinese Buddhists believe in an intricate system of hells, each overseen by a distinct YAMA (king) who is both judge and punisher of the dead.  The underworld is run much like the mortal world: It is a huge bureaucracy where the dead are sentenced in a courtlike atmosphere.  One painting shows the court of Yama where souls await trial.  Some make offerings of food and riches to the judge (possibly as a bribe) while others are beaten by monstrous green and red DEMONS.  In the foreground are the damned, their battered and bloodied bodies confined in a flaming pool infested by huge serpents.
EMMA-O is the underworld ruler of Japanese Buddhist tradition.  He is also a judge and tormentor, usually shown wearing the robes of a Chinese magistrate.  Two decapitated heads aid him in his decisions, since no sin can be hidden from their piercing eyes.  Tortures in the realm of Emma-O include being roasted on a spit, sliced with spears, or beaten with an enormous hammer.  Some Japanese texts include mention of JIGOKU, an underworld complex of eight cold and either hot hells.
Tibetan Buddhists believe in a much more extensive collection of infernal horrors, outlined in the BARDO THODOL (Tibetan Book of the Dead).  There is no ultimate judge in Tibetan belief; a soul damns itself by its evil.  Punishment in the afterlife consists of having to face one's own moral ugliness.
A rare example of VISION LITERATURE from Burmese Buddhist tradition describes how the wicked will be treated in the underworld.  According to the text, one unrepentant sinner is buried to his neck in human feces while huge worms gnaw at his flesh.  Other evildoers are forced to climb a tree covered with razor-sharp thorns.  As they attempt this, their feet are mutilated into bloody ribbons, but they must continue climbing. 
The damned can take comfort in the knowledge that their situation is not permanent.  Buddhist doctrine teaches that souls go through numerous incarnations on their journey through eternity, with brief detours to hell when necessary.  And even the few, rare souls deemed irrevocably evil are not made to suffer unending torture.  These dark spirits eventually face ANNIHILATION and are eradicated from existence. 


Because Hinduism is based on the idea of perpetual reincarnation, Hindu hell is merely a stopping point where souls burn off evil before proceeding to the next life.  The number of hells varies greatly, with some accounts listing as many as 136 separate underworld realms, each corresponding to a different sin.  In these chambers of punishment, the spirit rids itself of bad KARMA (the sum of its evil acts).  Tortures in the lower hells, the worst places of agony, include being burned alive, boiling in oil, and being eaten by ravenous birds.


Japanese Buddhist mythology describes Jigoku, a place of the dead located far below the earth.  In the Jigoku are eight "hot hells" and eight "cold hells" where souls are punished according to their sins.  Damnation to Jigoku is not permanent; intercession, sacrifice, and prayers from living friends and relatives can redeem a soul sent to Jigoku, or at least reduce its punishment. 
Jigoku is ruled by EMMA-O, a harsh judge of the dead.  He is aided in his adjudication by two severed heads, Miru-me and Kagu-hana.  Miru-me has the power to see a soul's most hidden sins, and Kagu-hana can detect even the faintest stench of small offenses.  In Jigoku there is also an enchanted mirror that each departed spirit must stand before.  Reflected in the mirror are all the sins committed during the soul's lifetime.  After reviewing all this evidence, Emma-O sentences the spirit to the appropriate hell for divine punishment. 

Ps : "Jigoku" refer to "Hell" in Japanese Buddhist religion.

Chinese Underworld for Wicked Souls

Ancient Chinese myths describe the bleak underworld of Ti Yu, a subterranean prison for the dead.  It is dark, cold, and barren.  After death, souls are judged by supernatural magistrates, and the wicked are made to pay for the sins of their lives in this musty abyss.  The dreadful abode of Ti Yu is located at the feet of T'ai Shan kun wang, the master of death, fate and destiny.  Like the Christian SATAN, T'ai Shan tortures the souls in Ti Yu's seventh hell, a brutal land of agony.
Specific details of the legend are unclear, since the texts referring to Ti Yu have come through so many copies, translators, and interpretations.  But scholars believe this underworld to be similar in many ways to the Greek HADES.

Ps : "Ti Yu" refer to "Hell" in Ancient Chinese religion.

The Creation of Hell-Fire
"Fear the fire, which is prepared for the disbelievers."
[Ali'-Imran, 3: 131]
"Truly Hell is lying in wait- a destination for the transgressors."
[an-Naba, 78: 21-22]
(One’s rejection of faith is transgression against Allah and himself).
Abdullah bin Umar (radiAllahu anhu) narrated: “Allah Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,
‘When someone dies, he is shown his destination morning and evening and if he belongs to the people of Paradise, (he will be shown his place) among the people of Paradise, and if he is from the people of Hell, (he will be shown his place) among the people of Hell.’”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) reported that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“There was a dispute between Hell and Paradise during which Hell said, ‘The haughty and the proud will find abode in me.’ And Paradise said, ‘The meek and the humble will find their abode in me.’ Thereupon, Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, (addressing Hell) said, ‘You are the means of My punishment by which I punish those of My servants whom I wish.’ (and addressing Paradise), He said, ‘You are My mercy by means of which I will show mercy to those whom I wish. And each one of you will be full.’”
The Gates of Hell
“The unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowds until, when they arrive there, its gates will be opened..” [az-Zumar, 39: 71]
“And verily, Hell is the promised abode for them all. It has seven gates: to each of those gates is a specific class of sinners assigned.”
[al Hijr, 15: 43-44]
“To them will be said, ‘Enter you the gates of Hell to dwell therein. And how evil is this abode of the arrogant.’”
[az Zumar, 39: 72]
“But those who reject Our signs are the companions of the left hand – on them will be fire vaulted over.”
[al Balad, 90: 19-20]

In Arabic, the phrase “on them will be fire vaulted over” indicates that the gates of Hell be closed. In other words, the fire will encompass the companions of the Fire, and the gates of Hell will imprison them within. As well, the gates of Hell will be locked, vaulted all around, and outstretched columns will cover the doors.
“It is the fire of Allah, kindled to a blaze, which mounts right to the hearts. It will be a vault over them in outstretched columns.”
[al Humazah, 104: 6-9]
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
‘When the month of Ramadan begins and the gates of Heaven are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained.”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
Levels of Hell
“To all are degrees or ranks according to their deeds.”
[an-An'am, 6: 132]
“Is the man who follows the good pleasure of Allah like the one who draws upon himself the wrath of Allah and whose abode is in Hell – an evil refuge? They are varying grades in the sight of Allah, and Allah sees well all that they do.”
[ali'-Imran, 3: 162-163]
“Indeed the hypocrites are in the lowest depths of the Fire; you will find no helper for them.”
[an Nisa, 4: 145]
Capacity and Depth of Hell
On the Day of Judgment the inhabitants of Hell will see their destined abode face to face and will realize the error of their ways. But, of course, it will be too late. The Qur’an states: “No! When the earth is pounded to powder, and your Lord comes with His angels, rank upon rank, and Hell, that Day, is brought [face to face] – on that Day will man remember? But how will that remembrance profit him?”
[al Fajr, 89: 21-23]
“On the Day We will say to Hellfire, ‘have you been filled?’ it will say, ‘Are there some more?’”
[Qaf, 50: 30]
Ibn Mas'ud (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“Hell will be brought on that Day. IT will have seventy thousand reins with seventy thousand angels drawing it by each rein.”
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“And his (the disbeliever’s) seat in Hellfire is as much as (the distance) between Makkah and Madinah.”
[at-Tirmidhi and al-Hakim]
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) reported: “While we were in the company of Allah’s Messenger (SAW), we heard a terrible sound. Thereupon, Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, ‘Do you know what that sound is?’ When we answered, ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ He said. “That is a stone which was thrown into Hell seventy years ago and has been constantly falling until now when it finally reached the bottom.’”
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) reported that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“Hell and Paradise fell into a dispute during which Hell said, ‘I have been distinguished by the proud and the haughty.’ And Paradise said, ‘What is the matter with me that only the meek and the humble and the downtrodden and the simple enter me?’
Thereupon, Allah said to Paradise, ‘You are the means of My mercy whereby I show mercy to those of My servants whom I wish.’ Then HE said to Hell, ‘You are the means of punishment whereby I punish those of My servants whom I wish. Both of you will be full.’ Hell will not be filled up until Allah puts His foot over it. Then Hell will say, ‘Enough, enough, enough,’ at which point it will be filled up, all of its parts integrated together.”
Anas bin Malik (radiAllahu anhu) reported that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“Hell will continue to ask, ‘Is there anything more?’ until Allah, the Exalted, and High will place His foot thereon, Then it will say, ‘Enough, enough, by Your honor,’ and some of its parts will draw close together.’”
The Fuel of Hell-Fire
“Those who has disbelieved – their wealth and their children will never benefit them anything with Allah. And those are the ones who are the fuel of Hellfire.”
[ali'-Imran, 3: 10]
“And there are among us Muslims (in submission to Allah) and others who deviate from justice. And whoever accepts Islam has sought out the right path. As for those who deviate, they will be firewood for the Hellfire.”
[al-Jinn, 72: 14-15]
“But if you cannot – and of a surety you cannot – then fear the fire whose fuel is men and stones, which is prepared for those who reject faith.”
[al Baqarah, 2: 24]
“O you who believe, save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are appointed angels, stern and severe, who do not disobey Allah in what He orders them and who do precisely what they are commanded.”
[al-Tahreem, 66: 6]
False Gods
“Verily, you (unbelievers) and what you worship besides Allah are fuel for Hellfire, You will surely come to it. If those had (truly) been gods, they would not have come to it. But all will abide therein eternally.”
[al-Anbiya, 21: 98-99]
“And the Fierce Fire will be brought out before those straying in evil, and it will be said to them, ‘Where are those you worshipped besides Allah? Can they help you or help themselves?’ Then they will be thrown into it (the Hellfire) on their faces – they and those straying in evil and the soldiers of Iblees, all together.”
[ash Shu'ara, 26: 91-95]
The Intensity of its Fire
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated: “When Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,
‘Your ordinary fire is one of the 70 potions of the Hellfire,’ someone commented, ‘O Messenger of Allah, would it (ordinary fire) not be sufficient (to burn the wrongdoers)?’ At that, Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, ‘The Hellfire has 69 more portions than ordinary (worldly) fire, and all of them are as hot as this (worldly fire).’”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
“Verily, Allah has cursed the disbelievers and prepared for them a Blazing Fire. Dwelling therein forever, and they will find no protector or helper.”
[al-Ahzab, 33: 64-65]
“But he who is given his record behind his back will soon cry for destruction, and he will enter a blazing Fire.”
[al Inshiqaq, 84: 10-12]
“No, they deny the Hour (of the judgment to come), but We have prepared a blazing fire for such as deny the Hour. When it sees them from a far off place, they will hear its fury and its raging sigh. And when they are cast, bound, in chains, into constricted place therein, they will plead therein for destruction. Do not plead today for a single destruction; plead for destruction oft-repeated.”
[al-Furqan, 25: 11-14]
“The companions of the left hand – what are the companions of the left hand? (They will be) in the midst of a fierce blast (of fire) and in boiling water.”
[al Waqi'ah, 56: 41-42]
“But, he whose scales are light his home will be a pit. And what will make you understand what that is? (It is ) a fire, blazing fiercely.”
[al Qari’ah, 101: 8-11]
“Soon will I cast him into Saqar (the Hellfire). And what will explain to you what Saqar is? It permits nothing to endure, and it leaves nothing alone, darkening and changing the color of man.”
[al Muddaththir, 74: 26-29]
“Their abode will be Hell. Every time it abates. We will increase for them the blaze (the fierceness) of the fire.”
[al Isra, 17: 97]
“Those are the ones, who have exchanged the Hereafter for the gains of this worldly life. The punishment will not be lightened for them, and they will not be aided.”
[al Baqarah, 2: 86]
“So taste, (the result of your deeds), for We will not increase you except in punishment.”
[an Naba, 78: 30]
Anas (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“The most favored man among the dwellers of the Earth will be brought from among the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection. He will be dyed in the Fire but once, and then it will be said to him, ‘O son of Adam, have you ever seen good at all? Has any pleasure ever come to you?’ He will say, ‘No, by Allah, O Lord.’ Then the most miserable people in the world will be brought from the people of Paradise and will be dyed with the dye of Paradise. It will be said to him, ‘O son of Adam, have you ever seen any misery, and has any hardship ever come to you? ‘ He will say, ‘No, by Allah, O my Lord. No misery ever came to me, nor did I see any hardship.’”
The Shade of Hell
“The companions of the left hand – what are the companions of the left hand? (They will be) in the midst of a fierce blast (of fire) and in boiling water and in the shades of black smoke – nothing cool and nothing beneficial.”
[Waqi’ah, 56: 41-44]
“And woe that Day to the deniers (of truth). ([It will be said], ‘Depart to a shadow [of smoke ascending] in three columns, [which yields] no shade of coolness and is of no use against the fierce blaze.’”
[Mursalat, 77: 28-31]
The Sparks of it's Fire
Indeed, it throws about sparks [as huge] as a palace, as if they were yellow camels.”
[al-Mursalat, 77: 32-33]
The Names of Hell-Fire
“Truly Jahannam (the Hellfire) is lying in wait.”
[an-Naba, 78: 21]
“By no means! For it is Latha (the fire of Hell) burning away right to the skull.”
[Ma’arij, 70: 15-16]
Al-Hutamah: (Crusher which Smashes or Breaks to Pieces):
“By no means! He will certainly be thrown into al-Hutamah. And what will make you understand what al-Hutamah is? It is the fire of Allah, kindled to a blaze, which mounts right to the hearts.”
[al Humazah, 104: 4-7]
Sa’eer (the Burning Fire):
“…a group in Paradise and a group in Sa’eer.”
[ash-Shura, 42: 7]
“Soon will I cast him into Saqar. And what will explain to you what Saqar is? It permits nothing to endure and it leaves nothing alone, darkening and changing the color of man.”
[al Muddaththir, 74: 26-29]
Al-Jaheem (The Fierce Fire):
“And al-Jaheem will be brought out before those straying in evil.”
[ash-Shu’ara, 26: 91]
Al-Hawiyah (The Pit)
“But he whose scales are light – his home will be a pit. And what will make you understand what that is? (It is) a fire, blazing fiercely.”
[al Qar’iah, 101: 8-11]
The Keepers of Hell
“Those in the Fire will say to the keepers of Hell, ‘Pray to your Lord to lighten for us the penalty for a day (at least).’ They will say, ‘Did there not come to you your messengers with clear signs?’ They will say, ‘Yes.’ They will reply, ‘Then pray as you like. But the prayer of those without faith is not but in error.’”
[Ghafir, 40: 49-50]
“O you who believe, save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels, stern and severe, and who do not disobey Allah in what He orders them and who do precisely what they are commanded.”
[at-Tahreem, 66: 6]
“Over it are nineteen. And We have not made the guardians of the Fire except angels. And We have made their number only as a trial for the unbelievers – in order that the People of the Book may be certain and that the believers may increase in faith, and so that the People of the Book and the believers would not doubt, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the unbelievers would say, ‘What example does Allah intend by this?’ Thus does Allah leave to stray whom he pleases and guides whom He pleases. And none can know the soldiers of your Lord except He. And this is nothing other than a warning to mankind.”
[Muddaththir, 74: 30-31]
“They will cry out, ‘O Malik, let your Lord put an end to us.’ He will say, “Surely, you will stay (as you are).’”
[adh-Dhukhrub, 43: 77]
Samurah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“Last night I saw [in a dream] two men coming to me. One of them said, ‘The one who lights the fire is Malik, the gatekeeper of Hell; I am Jibreel, and this is Mika’eel.’”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
Ibn Abbas (radiAllahu anhu) related: “The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,
‘On the night of my ascent to Heaven. I saw Musa (who was a tall, brown, curly-haired man) as if he was one of the men of the Shan’awah tribe. Then I saw ‘Isa, a man of medium height, of moderate complexion inclined to the red and white colors, and of lank hair. I also saw Malik, the gatekeeper of the Hellfire.’”
The Effects upon the Present World
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“The Hellfire complained to its Lord, saying, ‘O my Lord, my different parts eat each other up.’ So Allah allowed it to take two breaths – one in the winter and the other in the summer. This is [the cause pf] the severe heat and the bitter cold you experience.’”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
Ibn Umar (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“Fever is from the breath of the Hellfire; so cool it with water.”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
Abu Dharr (radiAllahu anhu) narrated: “While the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) was on a journey, he said [regarding the performance of the thuhr prayer], ‘Wait until it gets cooler.’ He said the same thing again until the shade of the hillocks extended, and then he said, ‘Delay the [thuhr] prayer until it gets cooler, for the severity of heat is from the breath of Hell.’” (thuhr period is just before 'Asr)
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
The Great number of inhabitants
“And most of the people are not believers even though you take great care in this respect.”
[Yusuf, 12: 103]
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated: “The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,
‘The first man to be called on the Day of Resurrection will be Adam, who will be shown his descendants. And it will be said to them, “This is your father, Adam.” Adam will say, [responding to the call], “Labbayk wa sa’dayk.” Then Allah will say [to Adam], “Bring forth from your descendants the delegations of the Fire.” He will say, “O Lord, how many should I bring?” Allah will answer, “From every hundred, ninety-nine.’”
The companions said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, if ninety-nine out of every one hundred of us are brought forth , then what will remain of us?’ The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) stated, ‘My nation among other nations is like a white hair on a black bull.’”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
The Size of its inhabitants
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“The molar tooth of an unbeliever or the canine tooth of an unbeliever will be like [Mount] Uhud, and the thickness of his skin will be like a three night’s journey.”
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“The distance between the two shoulders of the non-believer in Hell will be like a three day’s journey for a swift rider.”
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“Indeed, the thickness of the disbeliever’s skin will be the length of forty-two forearms of those of giants, his molar tooth like [Mount] Uhud, and his seat in Hellfire [the distance] between Makkah and Madinah.”
[at-Tirmidhi and al-Hakim]
Some of its inhabitants
Imran bin Husayn (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“I looked into Paradise and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were the poor, and I looked into Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women.”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
Usamah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) stated:
“I stood at the gate of Paradise and saw that the majority of the people who entered it were the poor, while those of means were held [for account], except the companions of the Fire, who were already ordered to [be taken to] the Fire. And I stood at the gate of the Fire and [saw that] the majority of those who entered it were women.”
[Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Ibn Abbas (radiAllahu anhu) stated: “The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,
‘I looked into the Hellfire, and the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful.’ It was asked, ‘Did they disbelieve in (i.e. were ungrateful to ] Allah?’ He replied, ‘They were ungrateful to their husbands and were ungrateful for favors and the good deeds done for them. If you had always been good to one of them and then she saw something in you not to her liking, she would say, ‘I have never seen any good from you at all.”’”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
“And We sent Musa with Our clear [signs] and an authority manifest unto Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they followed the command of Pharaoh. And the command of Pharaoh was no right guide. He will go before his people on the Day of Judgment and lead them into the Fire. And how evil will be the place to which they are led. And they are followed by a curse in this [life] and on the Day of Judgment. And evil is the gift which will be given [to them].”
[Hud, 11: 96-99]
“The Fire – they will be exposed to it morning and evening, and on the Day that judgment will be established [it will be said], ‘Cast the people of Pharaoh into the severest punishment.’”
[Ghafir, 40: 46]
The Wives of Nuh and Lut:
“Allah has given an example of those who disbelieve: the wife of Nuh and the wife of Lut. They were under two of Our righteous servants but betrayed them; so they [the two prophets] did not benefit them [the wives] before Allah at all, and they were told, ‘Enter the Fire with those who enter.’”
[at-Tahreem, 66: 10]
Abu Lahab and His Wife:
“May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he. His wealth will not avail him nor that which he gained. He will enter a flaming fire and his wife [as well] – the carrier of firewood – around her neck a rope of palm fiber.”
[Masad, 111: 1-5]
Amr bin Luhayy:
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) reported that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“I saw ‘Amr bin Luhayy bin Qam’a bin Khindif, brother of Bani Ka’b, dragging his intestines in the Fire.”
Amr bin Amir al-Khuya'i:
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) stated that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“I saw 'Amr bin 'Amir al-Khuya'i dragging his intestines in the Fire; he was the first who dedicated to animals to false deities.”
Abu Talib:
Ibn Abbas (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“Of the inmates of the Fire, the one with the easiest punishment will be Abu Talib; he will be wearing a pair of shoes which will cause his brain to boil.”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
“He will say, ‘Enter into the company of communities who passed away before you – of jinn and men – into the Fire.’”
[al-A'raf, 7: 38]
“If your Lord had so willed, He could have make mankind one people, but they will not cease to dispute except those on whom your Lord has bestowed His mercy. And the word of your Lord will be fulfilled: ‘Certainly I will fill Hell with jinn and men all together.’”
[Hud, 11: 118-119]
“Then they will be thrown into it [the Hellfire] on their faces – they and those straying in evil and the soldiers of Iblees, all together.”
[ash-Shu'ara, 26: 94-95]
Categories of its inhabitants
“But those who disbelieve and deny Our signs will be companions of the Fire; they will abide therein.”
[Sahih al-Baqarah, 2: 39]
“Those who have disbelieved and died while they are disbelievers will have the curse of Allah upon them and the [curse of the ] angels and all of mankind. [they will abide] eternally therein. The punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will the punishment be postponed.”
[Sahih al-Baqarah, 2: 161-162]
“Indeed the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire; you will find no helper for them.”
[an-Nisa, 4: 145]
“The hypocrites are afraid that a surah be sent down about them, showing them what is [really] in their hearts. Say, ‘Ridicule you! But verily, Allah will expose all that you fear.’ If you question them, they declare, ‘We were only talking idly and playing.’ Say, ‘Is it Allah and His signs and His messengers that you were mocking?’ Make no excuses that you were rejected faith after having accepted it. IF We pardon some of you, We will punish others because they were criminals. The hypocrites – men and women are of one another. They enjoin evil and forbid what is just and close their hands [in stinginess]. They have forgotten Allah, so He has forgotten them. Verily, the hypocrites are rebellious and perverse. Allah has promised the hypocrites men and women and the rejecters of faith the fire of Hell; they will dwell therein. It is sufficient for them. And Allah will curse them, and they will have an enduring punishment.”
[at-Tawbah, 9: 64-68]
Polytheists (Those who Associate Something with Allah):
“Those who reject [truth] among the People of the Book and the polytheists were not going to depart [from their ways] until there comes to them clear evidence – a messenger from Allah, rehearsing pure scriptures, wherein are upright laws [or decrees]. Nor did those who had been given the scripture make schisms until after there had come to them clear evidence. And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, sincere in religion to Him, to establish regular prayer, and to pay zakah. And that is the upright religion. Those who reject [truth] among the People of the Book and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, dwelling therein forever. They are the worst of creatures.”
[al-Bayyinah, 98: 1-6]
People of the Book (Who Reject Islam):
“Those reject [truth] among the People of the Book are the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, dwelling there therein forever. They are the worst of creatures.”
[al-Bayyinah, 98: 6]
Arrogant Rejecters of the Truth:
“But those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance – they are the companions of the Fire, dwelling therein forever.”
[al-A'raf, 7: 36]
Sinners and Criminals:
“Indeed the criminals will be in the punishment of Hell, dwelling therein forever. It will not be lightened for them, and they will be overwhelmed there in despair. And We have not wronged them, but it is they who have wronged [themselves].”
[az-Zukhruf, 43: 74-76]
The Unjust:
“Then it will be said to those who were unjust, ‘Taste the eternal punishment. Are you recompensed except for what you used to earn?’”
[Yunus, 10: 52]
“But when there comes the Greatest Event – the Day when man will remember what he strove for and the Hellfire will be brought forth for [all] to see – then for him who had transgressed and preferred the life of this world, indeed Hellfire will be his shelter.”
[an-Nazi'at, 79: 34-39]
Concealers of Allah’s Revelations:
“Those who conceal what We have sent down of proofs and guidance after We have made it clear to the people in the scripture- those are cursed by Allah and cursed by those who [are entitled to] curse.”
[Surah al Baqarah, 2: 159]
("those who curse" refers to the angels and believers.)
“But they asked victory, and disappointment is the lot of every obstinate tyrant. In front of him is Hell, and he is given pus to drink. He will gulp it but will hardly be able t oswallow it, and death will come to him from every place, yet he will not die. And in front of him will be a heavy punishment.”
[Ibrahim, 14: 15-17]
“[It will be said to the two angels], ‘Throw into Hellfire every obstinate rejecter [of Allah] – who prevented good, transgressed, and doubted, who set up another god besides Allah – throw him into the severe punishment.’”
[Qaf, 50: 24-26]
“And whoever kills a believer intentionally – his recompense is Hell to abide therein forever, and the warth and the curse of Alllah is upon him, and He has prepared for him a great punishment.”
[an-Nisa, 4: 93]
Persecutors of Believers:
”Those who presect [or draw into temptations] the believers – men and women – and then do not turn in repentance will have the punishment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the Burning Fire.”
[al-Buruj, 85: 10]
Those who Prefer this world and Neglect the Hereafter:
“Whoever wishes for the immediate – We hasten to grant him such things as We will to whom We will. Then We have mark for them hallmark they will burn therein, disgraced and rejected.”
[al-Isra', 17: 18]
Those who Commit Suicide:
Abu Huraiarh (radiAllahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
‘He who kills himself with a steel [weapon] will be eternal inhabitant of Hell, and he will have that [weapon] in his hand and will be thrusting it into his stomach forever and ever; he who kills himself by drinking poison will sip in the fire of Hell, forever and forever. He will kills himself by throwing himself from a the top of a mountain and will constantly fall in the fire of Hell forever and ever.”
Other Inhabitants:
Harithah bin Wahb narrated (radiAllahu anhu) that he heard the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) say:
“Shall I not inform you who the people of Paradise are? [They are comprised of] every person who is weak and taken advantage of, but if he swore that Allah would do something, He (suhanahu wa ta’ala) would comply. And shall I not inform you who the people of Hell are? [They are comprised of ] every one who is cruel, proud and arrogant.”
[Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim]
It is narrated: “The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,
‘The inhabitants of Hell are five: 1) the weak who lack self-restraint, who follow blindly and do not care for family or property (i.e. they care neither for the benefits of the Hereafter nor of this world); 2) the treacherous who does not show himself but his greed is such that he is deceitful even in small things; 3) a person who would betray you morning and evening regarding your family and your property.’ He also made mention of 4) the miser of the liar and 5) one who is in the habit of abusing people and using obscene and foul language.”
It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“Paradise and Hell fell into a dispute for, accommodating the haughty and proud, and Paradise said, ‘What is the matter with me that only the meek and the humble and the downtrodden and simple will find abode in me?’ Thereupon, Allah said to Paradise, ‘You are a means of My mercy. I will show mercy through you to whom I will from among My servants.’ Then He said to Hell, ‘You are a sign of My chastisement, and I will chastise through you whom I will from among My servants. Both of you will be full.’ And as regards to Hell, it will not be full until Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, places His foot over it. Then Hell will say, ‘Enough, enough, enough!’ at which point it will be full and will be compressed. Allah will not treat unjustly anyone among His creation. As for Paradise, He will create another creation to fill it.”
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“There are two types of inhabitants of Hell whom I have not seen in my lifetime: People who have whips like the tails of oxen with them and will be beating people, and women who will be dressed yet undressed, who will be inclined to evil and will make others incline towards it. Their heads will appear like the humps of Persian camels inclined to one side. They will not enter Paradise, nor will they even smell its odor, although will be smelled from long distances away.”
(When the Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) saw Hell, many different kinds of people were there; however, there were two types whom he did not recognize because they did not exist at the time when he was alive, (seventh century). These two types of people are the following:
1) those carrying whips who were beating others (oppressors)
2) women wearing revealing outfits much like the fashionable clothing of today. These women have unusual hairstyles, perhaps like the ones worn by modern-day women. Through this hadith the Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) predicted the nature of women’s clothing in the future- he foretold that clothing considered fashionable would reveal much of the body – and he also predicted the nature of the hairstyles and wigs of modern times worn by those women who will be among the inhabitants of Hell).
The Food of Hell
"No food will there be for them except bitter dhari (a thorny plant), which will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger."
[Surah al-Ghashiyah, 88: 6-7]
“Verily, the tree of Zaqqum will be the food of the sinful. Like molten brass it will boil in their insides like the boiling of scalding water.”
[ad-Dukhan, 44: 43-46]
“Is that (Paradise) the better hospitality or the tree of Zaqqum? For We have truly made it as a torment for the wrongdoers. For it is a tree that springs out of the bottoms of Hellfire; the shoots of its fruit-stalks are like the heads of devils. Truly they will eat from it and fill their bellies with it. Then on top of that they will be given a mixture of boiling water.”
[as-Saffat, 37: 62-67).
“Then will you truly –O you who have gone astray an denied – you will surely eat of the trees of Zaqqum. Then will you fill your stomachs with it and drink boiling water on top of it, and you will drink boiling water on top of it, and you will drink like diseased camels, raging with thirst. Such will be their hospitality on the Day of Requital.”
[al-Qaqi’ah, 56: 51-56]
“With Us are yokes (to bind them) and fire (to burn them) and food that chokes and a grievous punishment.”
[al-Muzzammil, 73: 12-13]
“So he has no friend here this Day, nor does he have any food except what comes from the washing of wounds, which none will eat except the sinners.”
[al Haqqah, 69: 35-37]
“Thus, All this. But indeed for the oppressors will be an evil place of final return. It is Hellfire – they will burn therein, and how evil is that bed, Thus, then will they taste it – a boiling fluid and a filthy fluid of pus and blood and other penalties of a similar kind to match them.”
[Sad, 38: 55-58]
Ibn Abbas (radiAllahu anhu) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) recited the following verse: ‘Fear Allah with the fear due to Him, and do not die except as Muslims.’ Then he said, ‘If a drop of Zaqqum would have fallen into a house in this world, it would have spoiled all the provisions of the people of this world. Then how will it be with one whose food it has become?’”
[at-Tirmidhi, Surah ali'-Imran, 3: 102]
“Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans are only eating fire into their bellies. They will soon be driven into a blazing fire.”
[an-Nisa, 4: 10]
“Truly, those who conceal what Allah has revealed from the scripture and exchange it for a small price – they are not taking into their stomachs except fire. Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Judgment, and He will not purify them. And they will have a painful punishment.”
[al-Baqarah, 2: 174]
The Drinks of Hell
Hameem (Boiling Water):
“Here is a parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised. In it are rivers of water, incorruptible; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine, delicious to those who drink; and rivers of honey, pure and clear. In it there are for them all kinds of fruits and forgiveness from their Lord [Can those in such bliss] be compared to such as will dwell forever in the Fire and be given boiling water to drink that will cut up their bowels?”
[Muhammad, 47: 15]
“This is the Hell which the criminals deny. They will go back and forth between it and boiling hot water.”
[ar-Rahman, 55: 43-44]
“Thus. Then will they taste it – a boiling fluid and a filthy fluid of pus and blood and other penalties of a similar kind to match them.”
[Sad, 38: 57-58]
“Has the story reached you of the Overwhelming Event? Some faces, that Day, will be humiliated, laboring hard, weary. They will be driven into a blazing fire. They will be given drink from a boiling spring.”
[al-Ghashiyah, 88: 1-5]
“To Him will be your return all of you. The promise of Allah is true. It is He who begins the process of creation and repeats it that HE may reward those who believe and work righteousness with justice. But those who reject Him will have a drink of boiling fluids and a painful punishment because of their rejection.”
[Yunus, 10: 4]
“Then will you truly – O you who have gone astray and denied – you will surely eat of the trees of Zaqqum. Then will you fill your stomachs with it and drink boiling water on top of it, and you will drink like diseased camels raging with thirst. Such will be their hospitality on the Day of Requital.”
[al Waqi’ah, 56: 51-56]
“Truly they will eat from it and fill their bellies with it. Then on top of that they will be given a mixture of boiling water. Then their return will be to Hellfire.”
[as Saffat, 37: 66-68]
Ghassaq (a Fluid of pus & blood which has oozed from their skins) “Thus, then will they taste it – a boiling fluid and a filthy fluid of pus and blood and other penalties of a similar kind to match them.”
[Sad, 38: 57-58]
“In front of him is Hell, and he is given pus to drink. He will gulp it but will hardly be able to swallow it, and death will come to him from every place, yet, he will not die. And in front of him will be a heavy punishment.”
[Ibrahim, 14: 16-17]

Water Like Molten Brass:
“Say, The Truth is from your Lord, so let him who will, believe, and let him who will, reject it.’ Indeed We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls surround them. If they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like molten brass that will scald their faces. How dreadful the drink. How evil the resting place.”
[al Kahf, 18: 29]
The Garments of Hell
Garments from Fire:
“These two opponents dispute with each other about their Lord. But those who disbelieve will have garments of fire cut out for them. Over their heads will be poured boiling water.”
[al Hajj, 22: 19]
Garments from Black Pitch:
“And you will see the criminals that Day bound together in chains and yokes- their garments of liquid pitch and their faces covered with fire.”
[Ibrahim, 14: 49-50]
Beds and Bedcovers of Hell
“They will have from Hellfire a bed and over them from it coverings. Thus do We reward the unjust.”
[al-Araf, 7: 41]
“It may be that your Lord may show mercy unto you, but if you revert to your sins. We will revert to Our punishments. And We have made Hell a mat for the disbelievers.”
[al Isra', 17: 8]
Yokes, Chains and Maces
“Do you not see those who dispute concerning the signs of Allah – how they are turned away from truth? Those who reject the Book and that with which We sent Our messengers – soon they will know. When the yokes will be round their necks and the chains. They will be dragged in the boiling water. Then in the Fire they will be burned.”
[Ghafir, 40: 69-72]
“They will conceal their regret when they see the penalty. And We will put yokes on the necks of the unbelievers. Are they recompensed except for what they used to do?”
[Saba, 34: 33]
“For the disbelievers We have prepared chains, yokes and a blazing fire.”
[al Insan, 76: 4]
“With Us are yokes to bind them and fire to burn them.”
[al Muzzammil, 73: 12]
“And you will see the criminals that Day bound together in chains and yokes.”
[Ibrahim, 14: 49]
“It will be commanded, ‘Seize him and bind him. Then drive him into the Hellfire. Then in a chain whose length is seventy cubits bind him.’ For indeed, he would not believe in Allah, Most Great, and would not encourage the feeding of the poor. So he has no friend here this Day.”
[al Haqqah, 69: 30-35]
“And for them are maces of iron to punish them. Every time they wish to get out from it and from anguish, they will be returned to it, and it will be said, ‘Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire!’”
[al Hajj, 22: 21-22]
Variance in Degree of Penalties
“Indeed the hypocrites are in the lowest depths of the Fire; you will find no helper for them.”
[an Nisa, 4: 145]
“The Fire – they will be exposed to it morning and evening, and on the Day, that judgment will be established [it will be said], ‘Cast the people of Pharaoh into the severest punishment.’”
[Ghafir, 40: 46]
“Those who disbelieved and hindered [mankind] from the path of Allah – We will increase them in punishment over [their] punishment, for they used to spread corruption.”
[an Nahl, 16: 88]
Samurah bin Jundub (radiAllahu anhu) reported that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“There will be some to whose ankles the fire will reach, some to whose knees the fire will reach, some to whose waists the fire will reach, and some to whose collarbones the fire will reach.”
Nu’man bin Basheer (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“Verily, of the inmates of the Fire, the one with the easiest punishment will be one who will have a pair of sandals and s traps of fire. His brain will boil from them as a kettle boils. He does not see that anyone is suffering a punishment more severe than him, while he is the one with the easiest punishment.”
[Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Ibn Abbas (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“Of the inmates of the Fire, the one with the easiest punishment will be Abu Talib; he will be wearing a pair of shoes which will cause his brain to boil.”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
Examples of Punishments
“No, but stain has covered their hearts from that which they have earned. Verily, they will be concealed [and prevented] from their Lord that Day. Then they will enter Hellfire. Then it will be said to them, ‘This is [the reality] which you used to deny.’”
[al Mutaffifeen, 83: 14-17]
Skins Will be Roasted:
“Those who have disbelieved in Our signs – We will burn them in fire. As often as their skins are roasted through, We will exchange them for other skins so that they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.”
[Surah an-Nisa, 4: 56]
Skins and Intestines will be Scalded:
“These two opponents dispute [with each other] about their Lord. But those who disbelieve will have garments of fire cut out for them. Over their heads will be poured boiling water. With it will be scalded what is within their bellies as well as [their] skins.”
[al-Hajj, 22: 19-20]
Faces will be Burned:
“And you will see the criminals that Day bound together in chains and yokes – their garments of liquid pitch and their faces covered with fire.”
[Surah Ibrahim, 14: 49-50]
“But those who scales [of good] are light, those are the ones who have lost their souls; [they will abide] in Hell eternally. The fire will burn, their faces, and they will [appear to] grin therein, their lips displaced.”
[al Mu’minun, 23: 103-104]
“If only the unbelievers knew [about] when they will not be able to ward off the fire from their faces, nor from their backs, and [that] they will not be helped. No, but it will come to them suddenly and confound them. And they will not be able to avert it, nor will they be given respite.”
[al Anbiya, 21: 39-40]
“The Day that their faces will be turned from side to side in the fire, they will say, ‘We wish that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger.’”
[al-Ahzab, 33: 66]
“Is, then, one who will confront with his face the evil of the punishment on the Day of Judgment [like one protected from it]? It will be said to the wrong-doers, ‘Taste what you used to earn.’”
[az-Zumar, 39: 24]
Sinners will be Dragged:
“Truly, the criminals are in error and madness. The Day they will be dragged through the Fire on their faces, [they will hear], ‘Taste the touch of Hell.’”
[al Qamar, 54: 47-48]
“Do you not see those who dispute concerning the signs of Allah – how they are turned away [from truth]? Those who reject the Book and that with which We sent Our messengers – soon they will know. When the yokes [will be] round their necks and the chains. They will be dragged in the boiling water. Then in the Fire they will be burned.”
[Surah Ghafir, 40: 69-72]
Faces will Be Darkened:
“Do not be like those who are divided among themselves and fall into disputes after receiving clear proofs, for those will have a great punishment on the Day when some faces will be white and some faces will be black. As for those who faces are black, [it will be said], ‘Did you reject faith after accepting it? Taste, then, the punishment for what you used to reject.’”
[ali'-Imran, 3: 105-106]
“For those who do good is good – and extra! No darkness or shame will cover their faces. They are companions of the Garden. They will abide in it forever. But those who have earned evil will have a reward of like evil; humiliation will cover their faces. They will have no defender from [the wrath of] Allah. Their faces will be covered with pieces of the darkness of night. They are the companions of the Fire. They will abide in it forever.”
[Yunus, 10: 26-27]
Fire will Surround Them from All Directions:
“On the Day that the punishment will cover them from above them and below them, layers. With this Allah warns His servants, ‘O my servants, then fear Me!’”
[az-Zumar, 39: 16]
“Say, ‘The Truth is from your Lord, so let him who will, believe, and let him who will, reject [it].’ Indeed We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls surround them. If they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like molten brass that will scald their faces. How dreadful the drink. How evil the resting place.”
[al Kahf, 18: 29]
Fire will Mount Right up to the Hearts:
“[It is] the fire of Allah kindled [to a blaze], which mounts right to the hearts. It will be a vault over them in outstretched columns.”
[al Humazah, 104: 6-9]
Intestines will come out of Bellies:
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) stated that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“I saw ‘Amr bin ‘Amir al Khuya’I dragging his intestines in the Fire; he was the first who dedicated animals to false deities.”
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) reported that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“I saw ‘Amr bin Luhayy bin Qam’a bin Khindif, brother of Bani Ka’b, dragging his intestines in the Fire.”
Abu Zayd Usamah bin Zayd bin Harithah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“On the Day of Judgment a man will be brought and thrown into Hell. As a result of this, his intestines will come out of his belly, and he will circumambulate, holding his intestines like a donkey running a mill. His companions in Hell will say to him, ‘O so and so, what is this? Did you not ask people to do good and avoid evil?’ He will say, ‘That is true. However, I told others to do good but did not do it myself, and I forbade them to do evil, but did it myself.’”
[Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim]
No Defense:
“Upon you, [O jinn and mankind], will be sent a flame of fire [to burn] and [molten] brass. You will have no defense!”
[ar-Rahman, 55: 35]
Weeping, Sighing and Sobbing of Its Inhabitants:
“Those who are wretched will be in the Fire. In it there will be for them the sound of exhaling and inhaling. They will dwell in it for all the time that the heavens and earth endure, except for what your Lord wills. For your Lord is the sure accomplisher of what He intends.”
[Hud, 11: 106-107]
“Verily, you [unbelievers] and what you worship besides Allah are fuel for Hellfire. You will surely come to it. If those had [truly] been gods, they would not have come to it. But all will abide therein eternally. There, for them will be heaving, deep signs, and they will not hear there [anything else].”
[al Anbiya, 21: 98-100]
“Therein they will cry out [for assistance], ‘Our Lord, remove us [and ] we will work righteousness – other than what we used to do.’ But did We not give you long enough life that whoever would be reminded therein could be reminded, and the warner had come to you? So taste [the result of your deeds]. There is no helper for the wrongdoers.”
[Fatir, 35: 37]
Regret, Grief and Self-Recrimination:
“They will conceal their regret when they see the penalty. And We will put yokes on the necks of the unbelievers. Are they recompensed except for what they used to do?”
[Saba, 34: 33]
“For those who reject their Lord is the penalty of Hell, and evil is such a destination. When they are cast therein, they will hear the terrible drawing in of its breath even as it blazes forth. It is almost bursting with fury. Every time a group is cast therein, its keepers will ask, ‘Did no warner come to you?’ They will say, ‘Yes, a warner had come to us, but we denied and said, ‘Allah has revealed nothing. You are but in great delusion.’ And they will say, ‘Had we listened or used our intelligence, we would not now be among the companions of the Blazing Fire.’ So they will confess their sin, but far will be forgiveness from the companions of the Blazing Fire.”
[al Mulk, 67: 6-11]
“If only you could see when the criminals hang their heads before their Lord, [saying], ‘Our Lord, we have seen and we have heard, so sent us back [to the world]; we will work righteousness, for we are indeed certain [now].’ If We had willed, We could certainly have brought every soul its guidance, but the Word will be realized: ‘I will fill Hell with jinn and men all together. Taste, then- for you forgot the meeting of this, your Day, We, [too], will forget you. And the taste the punishment of eternity for what you used to do.’”
[as Sajdah, 32: 12-14]
“They will say, ‘Our Lord, our misfortune overwhelmed us, and we were a people astray. Our Lord, remove us from this; if ever we return [to evil], then we will indeed be wrongdoers.’ He will say, ‘Remain humiliated therein, and do not speak to Me!’”
[al Mu'minun, 23: 106-108]
“For We had certainly sent unto them a Book which We had detailed with knowledge, a guide and a mercy to a people who believe. Are they waiting for it to be realized? On the Day it is realized, those who disregarded it before will say, ‘Indeed, the messengers of our Lord came with the truth. Are there no intercessors [now] to intercede on our behalf? Or could we be sent back to do other than we used to do?’ They will have lost their souls, and lost from them is [all] that which they used to invent.”
[al-A’raf, 7: 52-53]
“They will say, ‘Our Lord, you have made us lifeless twice and You have given us life twice. Now we have confessed our sins, so is there any way to get out?’ [The answer will be], ‘That is because when Allah was invoked alone you rejected [this], but if partners were associated with Him, you believed. The ruling [judgment] is with Allah, the Exalted, Most Great.’”
[Ghafir, 40: 11-12]
“How clearly they will see and hear the Day that they will come to Us. But the unjust today are in manifest error. But warn them of the Day of Regret, when the matter will be determined; yet, they are unmindful, and they do not believe.”
[Maryam, 19: 38-39]
Abu Sa’eed (radiAllahu anhu) reported: “Allah Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,
‘Death will be brought on the Day of Resurrection in the form of a white-colored ram. [Abu Kurayb added: “Then it will be made to stand between Paradise and Hell.”] It will be said to the inhabitants of Paradise, ‘Do you recognize this?” They will stretch forth their necks and look towards it, saying, ‘Yes, it is death.” Then it will be said to the inhabitants of the Hellfire, ‘Do you recognize this?” And they will stretch forth their necks, look, and say, ‘Yes it is death.” Then the command will be given for slaughtering the ram, and it will be said, ‘O inhabitants of Paradise, [there is now] eternity and no death.” And then it will be said to the inhabitants of Hellfire, “O inhabitants of Hell, [there is now] eternity and no death.”’ Allah’s Messenger (SAW) then recited the following verse, pointing with his hand to this material world: ‘But warn them of the Day of Regret, when the matter will be determined; yet, they are unmindful, and they do not believe.’”
[Muslim, surah Maryam, 19: 39]
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) related that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
“None will enter Paradise except that he will be shown the place that he would have occupied in Hellfire if he had been evil – so that he will be more thankful; each one of those who enter Hellfire will be shown the place that he would have occupied in Paradise if he had been good – so that he will increase in regret.”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
We hear and we obey. Forgive us, our Lord!
To You is the journey's end.

[surah Baqarah, 2: 285]

Source :
> Shariah Program


Menurut Wikipedia: Dalam folklor Melayu, sosok kuntilanak digambarkan dalam bentuk wanita cantik yang punggungnya berlubang. Kuntilanak digambarkan senang meneror penduduk kampung untuk menuntut balas. Kuntilanak sewaktu muncul selalu diiringi harum bungakamboja . Konon laki-laki yang tidak berhati-hati bisa dibunuh sesudah kuntilanak berubah wujud menjadi penghisap darah. Kuntilanak juga senang menyantap bayi dan melukai wanita hamil.
Dalam cerita seram dan film horor di televisi, kuntilanak digambarkan membunuh mangsa dengan cara menghisap darah di bagian tengkuk, seperti vampir.

Sundel Bolong
Sundel bolong dalam mitos hantu Indonesia digambarkan dengan wanita berambut panjang dan bergaun panjang warna putih. Digambarkan pula terdapat bentukan bolong di bagian punggung yang sedikit tertutup rambut panjangnya sehingga organ-organ tubuh bagian perut terlihat. Dimitoskan hantu sundel bolong mati karena diperkosa dan melahirkan anaknya dari dalam kubur. Biasanya sundel bolong juga diceritakan suka mengambil bayi-bayi yang baru saja dilahirkan.

Tuyul (bahasa Jawa: thuyul) dalam mitologi Nusantara, terutama di Pulau Jawa, adalah makhluk halus berwujud anak kecil atau orang kerdil dengan kepala gundul. Penggambaran lainnya yang tidak disepakati semua orang adalah kulit berwarna keperakan, bersifat sosial (dalam pengertian memiliki masyarakat dan pemimpin), serta bersuara seperti anak ayam. Tuyul dapat dipekerjakan oleh seorang majikan manusia untuk alasan tertentu, terutama mencuri (uang). Untuk menangkal tuyul, orang memasang yuyu di sejumlah sudut rumah karena tuyul dipercaya menyukai yuyu sehingga ia lupa akan tugas yang dibebankan pemiliknya.
Kejadian tuyul dipercaya berasal dari janin orang yang keguguran atau bayi yang mati ketika lahir. Karena berasal dari bayi, karakter tuyul juga seperti anak-anak: gemar bermain (seperti laporan orang melihat sejumlah tuyul bermain pada tengah malam, dsb.).


Penggambaran pocong bervariasi. Dikatakan, pocong memiliki wajah berwarnah hijau dengan mata yang kosong. Penggambaran lain menyatakan, pocong berwajah rata dan memiliki lubang mata berongga atau tertutup kapas dengan wajah putih pucat. Mereka yang percaya akan adanya hantu ini beranggapan, pocong merupakan bentuk protes dari si mati yang terlupa dibuka ikatan kafannya sebelum kuburnya ditutup.
Meskipun pocong dalam film sering digambarkan bergerak melompat-lompat, mitos tentang pocong malah menyatakan pocong bergerak melayang-layang. Hal ini bisa dimaklumi, sebab di film-film pemeran pocong tidak bisa menggerakkan kakinya sehingga berjalannya harus melompat-lompat. Keadaan ini pula yang menimbulkan suatu pernyataan yang biasa dipakai untuk membedakan pocong asli dan pocong palsu di masyarakat:
 "Lihat saja cara berjalannya. Bila berjalannya melompat-lompat, lempar saja dengan batu, pasti akan teriak-teriak."
Kepercayaan akan adanya hantu pocong hanya berkembang di Indonesia, terutama di Jawa dan Sumatera. Walaupun penggambarannya mengikuti tradisi muslim, umat beragama lain pun ternyata dapat mengakui eksistensi hantu ini.

Genderuwo adalah makhluk halus yang berwujud manusia bertubuh besar dan kekar dengan rambut lebat menutupi tubuh. Genderuwo terutama dikenal dalam masyarakat di Pulau Jawa (orang Sunda menyebutnya “gandaruwo” dan orang Jawa menyebutnya “gendruwo”). Habitat hunian kegemarannya adalah pohon besar teduh atau sudut-sudut yang lembab dan gelap. Makhluk ini dilaporkan dapat berkomunikasi dengan manusia dan juga bisa menyukai manusia. Cerita-cerita misteri menyebutkan kalau genderuwo dapat mengubah penampakan dirinya mengikuti wujud fisik seseorang. Menurut cerita pula, genderuwo hanyalah berkelamin pria dan dapat menghamili perempuan, bahkan menghasilkan keturunan dari hubungan itu.
Asal-usul genderuwo dikatakan berasal dari arwah orang meninggal yang belum mau naik ke akhirat.
Genderuwo tidak dapat dilihat oleh orang biasa tapi pada saat tertentu dia dapat menampakkan dirinya bila merasa terganggu.


Istilah Kemangmang mungkin sudah tercetus sejak berabad-abad silam. Dia dipercaya sebagai makhluk yang berada dalam lingkup alam gaib. Termasuk bangsa jin.
Berbeda dengan jenis jin lain yang punya karakter dan bentuk penampakkannya menyerupai fisik manusia, Kemangmang wujud penampakkan fisiknya disebutkan berupa sosok katak air dalam ukuran jumbo. Setidaknya, kepercayaan semacam ini tumbuh subur di kalangan masyarakat Pantura, Jawa Barat, khususnya di daerah Indramayu dan sekitarnya.
Selain ukurannya ratusan kali lipat dari ukuran katak air atau Bangkong biasa yang hanya sekepalan tangan orang dewasa, pada bagian antara kepala dengan punggung, atau persisnya di sekitar tengkuk Kemangmang, akan muncul api yang berkobar-kobar.
Api pada tengkuk Kemangmang ini bukan halusinasi ataupun hanya api fatamorgana, melainkan api yang sanggup membakar kayu-kayu kering. Konon dengan sebab ini, di sejumlah lokasi rawa-rawa dan pertambakan di wilayah Pantai Utara Jawa Barat, kerap terjadi insiden kebakaran hutan mangrove (bakau) yang, Banyak yang menduga kebakaran ini akibat ulah Kemangmang.

Wewe Gombel adalah sebuah istilah dalam tradisi Jawa yang berarti roh jahat atau hantu yang suka mencuri anak-anak, tapi tidak mencelakainya. Konon anak yang dicuri biasanya anak-anak yang ditelantarkan dan diabaikan oleh orang tuanya. Wewe Gombel biasanya akan menakut-nakuti orang tua si anak atas sikap dan perlakuannya kepada anaknya sampai mereka bila mereka telah sadar, Wewe Gombel akan mengembalikan anaknya.
Menurut cerita, Wewe Gombel adalah roh dari seorang wanita yang meninggal bunuh diri lantaran dikejar masyarakat karena telah membunuh suaminya.Peristiwa itu terjadi setelah suami dari wanita itu berselingkuh dengan wanita lain. Sang suami melakukan hal itu karena istrinya tak bisa memberikan anak yang sangat diharapkannya. Akhirnya ia dijauhi dan dibenci suaminya lalu dikucilkan sampai menjadi gila dan gembel. disebut Wewe gombel karena kejadian ini terjadi di daerah Semarang. Jika kita berkendaraan dari arah jatingaleh ke arah banyumanik, maka akan terlihat bekas iklan bir bintang. Di situlah konon letak lokasi wewe gombel berada. Beberapa orang menyebutkan bahwa lokasi tersebut adalah lokasi kerajaan hantu. Menurut cerita itu pula, hal itu yang menyebabkan sebuah hotel yang terletak di dalam lokasi bukit gombel menjadi bangkrut.

Orang Bunian
Orang bunian adalah sejenis makhluk halus yang dikenal di wilayah Minangkabau, Sumatera Barat. Bentuknya menyerupai manusia, tinggal di tempat-tempat sepi, di rumah-rumah kosong yang telah ditinggal penghuninya.
Istilah ini dikenal di wilayah Istilah orang bunian juga terkadang dikaitkan dengan istilah dewa di Minangkabau, pengertian dewa dalam hal ini sedikit berbeda dengan pengertian dewa dalam agama-agama Hindu maupun Buddha. Dewa dalam istilah Minangkabau berarti sebangsa makhluk halus yang tinggal di hutan atau di rimba, di pinggir bukit, di dekat pekuburan. Biasanya bila hari menjelang maghrib di pinggir bukit akan tercium sebuah aroma yang biasa dikenal dengan nama masakan dewa atau samba dewa. aromanya mirip bau kentang goreng. Hal ini boleh ditanyakan langsung kepada masyarakat Minangkabau. Satu hal lagi, dewa lebih dikonotasikan bergender perempuan, yang cantik rupawan, bukan laki-laki seperti persepsi yang umum di agama lain. Selain itu,masyarakat juga meyakini bahwa ada peristiwa orang hilang disembunyikan dewa; ada juga istilah orang dipelihara dewa, yang semenjak bayi sudah dilarikan oleh dewa. cerita ini masih masyhur sampai sekarang.

Siluman dalam folklor Indonesia merupakan makhluk halus yang tinggal dalam komunitas dan menempati suatu tempat. Mereka melakukan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari layaknya manusia biasa. Mereka juga mengenal peradaban. Siluman dapat berasal dari manusia biasa yang kemudian meninggalkan alam kasar atau setelah orang meninggal ruhnya masuk dalam masyarakat itu, atau memang sudah merupakan makhluk halus sejak awalnya. Pertemuan antara manusia dengan siluman seringkali menjadi bagian dari cerita-cerita misteri yang digemari. Siluman dikenal pula sebagai orang bunian dalam tradisi masyarakat Sumatera. Mitos tentang Kanjeng Ratu Kidul merupakan satu mitos tentang masyarakat siluman yang sangat dikenal suku-suku di Jawa, bahkan digunakan sebagai legitimasi kekuasaan raja-raja pewaris Mataram.
Beberapa mitos tentang siluman lain:
* Siluman Rawa Lakbok
* Moksanya Prabu Siliwangi dan pengikut-pengikutnya di Gunung Gede
* Masyarakat penghuni Gunung Merapi (konon dipimpin oleh Sunan Merapi) dan Gunung Lawu (konon dipimpin oleh Sunan Lawu)

Dalam mitologi Bali, Leak adalah penyihir jahat. Le artinya penyihir dan ak artinya jahat. Leak hanya bisa dilihat di malam hari oleh para dukun pemburu leak. Di siang hari ia tampak seperti manusia biasa, sedangkan pada malam hari ia berada di kuburan untuk mencari organ-organ dalam tubuh manusia yang digunakannya untuk membuat ramuan sihir. Ramuan sihir itu dapat mengubah bentuk leak menjadi seekor harimau, kera, babi atau menjadi seperti Rangda. Bila perlu ia juga dapat mengambil organ dari orang hidup.
Diceritakan juga bahwa Leak dapat berupa kepala manusia dengan organ-organ yang masih menggantung di kepala tersebut. Leak dikatakan dapat terbang untuk mencari wanita hamil, untuk kemudian menghisap darah si bayi yang masih di kandungan. Ada tiga leak yang terkenal. Dua di antaranya perempuan dan satu laki-laki.
Menurut kepercayaan orang Bali, Leak adalah manusia biasa yang mempraktekkan sihir jahat dan membutuhkan darah embrio agar dapat hidup. Dikatakan juga bahwa Leak dapat mengubah diri menjadi babi atau bola api, sedangkan bentuk Leyak yang sesungguhnya memiliki lidah yang panjang dan gigi yang tajam. Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa sihir Leak hanya berfungsi di pulau Bali, sehingga Leak hanya ditemukan di Bali.
Apabila seseorang menusuk leher Leak dari bawah ke arah kepala pada saat kepalanya terpisah dari tubuhnya, maka Leak tidak dapat bersatu kembali dengan tubuhnya. Jika kepala tersebut terpisah pada jangka waktu tertentu, maka Leak akan mati.
Topeng leak dengan gigi yang tajam dan lidah yang panjang juga terkadang digunakan sebagai hiasan rumah.

Rangda adalah ratu dari para leak dalam mitologi Bali. Makhluk yang menakutkan ini diceritakan sering menculik dan memakan anak kecil serta memimpin pasukan nenek sihir jahat melawan Barong, yang merupakan simbol kekuatan baik.
Diceritakan bahwa kemungkinan besar Rangda berasal dari ratu Manendradatta yang hidup di pulau Jawa pada abad yang ke-11. Ia diasingkan oleh raja Dharmodayana karena dituduh melakukan perbuatan sihir terhadap permaisuri kedua raja tersebut. Menurut legenda ia membalas dendam dengan membunuh setengah kerajaan tersebut, yang kemudian menjadi miliknya serta milik putra Dharmodayana, Erlangga. Kemudian ia digantikan oleh seseorang yang bijak. Nama Rangda berarti juga janda.
Rangda sangatlah penting bagi mitologi Bali. Pertempurannya melawan Barong atau melawan Erlangga sering ditampilkan dalam tari-tarian. Tari ini sangatlah populer dan merupakan warisan penting dalam tradisi Bali. Rangda digambarkan sebagai seorang wanita dengan rambut panjang yang acak-acakan serta memiliki kuku panjang. Wajahnya menakutkan dan memiliki gigi yang tajam.

Babi Ngepet
Babi ngepet adalah mahluk dalam legenda masyarakat Indonesia yang bercerita tentang siluman babi. Beberapa mitos menceritakan tentang babi ngepet yang merupakan orang yang ingin kaya dengan cara mengambil pesugihan babi. Saat akan “beraksi”, si tuan harus mengenakan jubah hitam untuk menutupi tubuhnya. Dan nanti, secara ajaib, si tuan akan berubah menjadi babi. Orang yang satu lagi harus menjaga lilin agar tidak goyang apinya. Apabila api lilin sudah mulai goyang, artinya orang yang menjadi babi itu mulai dalam bahaya. Tugas si penjaga lilin adalah mematikan lilinnya agar si babi dapat berubah kembali menjadi manusia biasa. Babi ngepet biasanya mengambil uang dengan cara menggesek-gesekkan tubuhnya di pintu lemari, dsb.
