Showing posts with label Supernatural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supernatural. Show all posts

Source : J. A. Cheyne 
                      Department of Psychology 
                      University of Waterloo

Nightmares and nocturnal attacks have been closely connected to myths and monsters across time and cultures. It has even been even suggested that the night-mare is the origin of all mythology (see Kirby, 1901). Although few modern scholars would be quite so bold or sweeping in their claims the pervasiveness of the nocturnal attack in mythology, religion, and legend is quite striking. Ardat lili or Lilitu, an evil Sumerian spirit, is one of the earliest Hag-demons. She was capable of flying, which she preferred to do at night, at which time she frequently attacked men in their sleep. She is thought to constitute the prototype for the Hebrew Lilith and the Roman Lamia (Russell, 1995). All these female spirits or demons have in common an association with nocturnal attacks. Moreover there are a number of related spirits described in Middle Eastern and European lore with connotations of leaping upon, oppressing, or crushing, supine individuals as they attempt to sleep at night. Some of the better-known spirits of this sort are; Greek ephialtes (one who leaps upon) and mora (the night "mare" or monster, ogre, spirit, etc.), Roman incubus (one who presses or crushes), German mar/mare, nachtmahr, Hexendrücken (witch pressing), and Alpdruck (elf pressure); Czech muera, Polish zmora, Russian Kikimora, French cauchmar (trampling ogre), Old English maere (mab, mair, mare-hag), hagge, (evil spirit or the night-mare--also hegge, haegtesse, haehtisse, haegte); Old Norse mara, Old Irish mar/more, Newfoundland Ag Rog (Old Hag), and the Spanish pesadilla ( Keissling, 1977; Hufford, 1982; OED, Roscher, 1900/1979; Sebald, 1978; Thompson, 1957; Ward, 1981). In addition, the Greeks also had the pnigalion (the choker) and the barychnas (the heavy breather)troubling would-be sleepers (Keissling, 1977). In addition to attacking helpless humans at night these creatures were shape-shifters, able to take on various forms during these attacks (Keissling, 1977).
Among the writers of European antiquity, Herodotus provides an early account of an ephialtes who appeared to the wife of King Ariston of Sparta in the form of the King himself, although it was itself the spirit of the deceased hero Astrobacus. Horace makes a reference to a threat whereby a boy claims that if he is killed he "will attend you as a nocturnal fury; and, a ghost, I will attack your faces with my hooked talons (for such is the power of those divines, the Manes), and brooding upon your restless breasts, I will deprive you of repose by terror." In Greece and Rome, the ephialtes and the incubus were identified with gods and demons of the forest and woodland, such as, the god Pan (Roman = Faunus), as well as Satyrs, Sirens, and Silvani (Kiessling, 1977), and even with the goddess Diana (Russell, 1995). Many of these creatures were depicted as resembling humans in the upper portions of their bodies and beasts, usually goats or fauns, in the lower extremities. This association was evidently still quite strong by the time of Augustine who explicitly associated Pan with the incubus. Pan was particularly associated with shepherds and goatherds and one may well imagine that the isolated and rigorous life of such individuals predisposed them to many nocturnal visitations. Similarly, the succubus Lilith was to be typically to be found in the remote regions of the desert (Isaiah, 34:12). Pan's attacks were of course associated with panic. Pan was also more generally seen as the instigator of "dreams and visions, especially those that produced sudden, violent terror" (Kiessling, 1977, p. 5).
There is also certain classes of angels, "watchers" and "fallen angels," referred to in the Judeo-Christian traditions, associated with the incubus. Some were sent to watch over humans, and sometimes became enamoured of human women. The progeny of such encounters were, however, monsters and demons who further molested and assaulted helpless sleepers (Kiessling, 1977). Augustine doubted that angels were the source of incubi, though he had no doubt that the latter existed. "There is, too, a very general rumor, which many have verified by their own experience, or which trustworthy persons who have heard the experience of others corroborate, that sylvans and fauns, who are commonly called "incubi," had often made wicked assaults upon women, and satisfied their lust upon them; and that certain devils, called Duses by the Gauls, are constantly attempting and effecting this impurity is so generally affirmed, that it were impudent to deny it" (ch. 23). Martin Luther was unequivocal in asserting that, "sunt incubi et succubi daemonis . . ."
In some traditions these monsters are the descendents of Adam and his first wife, none other than Lilith herself (Kiesling, 1977). Certain midrashic stories allege that Cain is an offspring of such a union, in this case between Eve and the ultimate fallen angel, the devil himself. It is not surprising, therefore, that Beowulf's foe, the monster Grendel (referred to at least once n that famous poem by the term maere--Kiessling, 1977) is described in the poem as a descendent of Cain. Grendel, a cannibalistic devourer of men invariably carries out his attacks in the dead of night on sleeping men. Prior to Beowulf's confrontation with Grendel, Hrothgar tells him how previous heroes have been defeated, apparently because they were unable to remain awake. It is also worth noting that Beowulf eschews arming himself for the confrontation with Grendal on the grounds that Grendel does not bear arms. He destroys Grendal as Grendal destroyed men, by ripping a limb from its socket.
These experiences and their ensuing personification and elaboration are by no means limited to western culture. In St. Lucia, West Indies, an attack of kokma comes at a time that the individual is just falling asleep or just waking up. The sensations include pressure on the chest, inability to move, and anxiety. The kokma is the spirit of a dead baby that haunts an area, attacking people in their beds. In a familiar pattern, they jump on the victim’s chest and clutch at the throat. The victim attempts to cry out, or in some other way to get another’s attention, someone that might scare off the kokma. Informants described the babies clutching at their throats. The notion that the attacks are thought to be initiated by dead, unbaptized babies is also found in Ireland. "The kokma cannot be controlled, they grab people just for the hell of it" (Dressler, 1977, cited in Ness, 1978). In Thailand experiences referred to as Phi um (ghost covered) and phi kau (ghost possessed) involve pressure, immobility, and something black covering the body. In Japan kanashibara ("to tie with an iron rope") is a common and widely known experience (Fukuda, 1993). In Korea, people are afflicted by ka wi nulita ("scissors pressed"), an experience felt to be brought on by fear. In the Far North one speaks of agumangia (Inupik) or ukomiarik (Yupik) in which "a soul" tries to take possession of the paralyzed victim. In Laos, (Lemoine & Mounge, 1983) da chor is described as follows: "You want to listen, you can’t hear; you want to speak, you are dumb; you want to call out, you cannot; you feel you are dying, dying; you want to run away. You piss with fear in your sleep" (cited in Firestone, 1985, p. 61). In the Philippines people are afflicted with urum, ngarat (Simons & Hughes, 1985). Among the Hmong of Laos the nightmare spirit is referred to as dab (nightmare) tsog (evil spirit) or tsog tsuam (evil spirit who crushes, smothers, or presses upon) (Adler, 1994).
As Hufford (1976) noted almost a quarter-century ago, of the SP night-mare, " (1) the experience is wide-spread, at least in Western culture; (2) it has been regularly reported for more than two thousand years; (3) it has been attached to a variety of narrative frameworks . . . , but regardless of the framework, the experiential features have remained basically the same; (4) this consistency of detail, apparently rather independent of tradition, is the most surprising and difficult to account for" (p. 78). These experiences appear to be widely known in traditional cultures, in marked contrast to industrialized society. Hufford (1976) found that, among his Newfoundland participants who had been hagged, half did not know the Old Hag tradition. This is the same proportion of the entire sample who had not heard of the tradition. This, of course, quite inconsistent with the cultural source hypothesis that such experiences are induced by knowledge of cultural traditions. Subsequent research has made clear that these experiences are by no means limited to Western cultures. Also striking in this connection is the similarity of the descriptions of the SP experiences across all cultures, including industrialized culture which appears to have no commonly accepted popular myths to offer cognitive support to the experiences. Hufford (1976) makes a fairly convincing connection between sleep paralysis and "bedroom" alien abductions as described by Keel (1970). Many others have made this connection since (Baker, 1994, Blackmore, 1998; Spanos, 1994).

Source : The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft & Demonology

Mare.  The supposed mare (demon) which during the night sites on the chest and causes feelings of suffocation.  Very occasionally mare refers to the nightmare dream itself.  Mare is an Old Teutonic stem (Old English mare, demon, quite distinct from Old English mere, a female horse); it is found also in the French word for nightmare, cauchemar (caucher, to trample).  Very often it is used interchangeably with incubus, as in the early Anglo-Saxon Glosses (about 700) and in Bacon (1626):  "The incubus, which we call the mare." The mare (as well as the incubus) was also known by the scientific name, ephialtes (Greek = to leap upon); and in German by alp or mara.
The picture of the mare remains very constant in all accounts; the early nineteenth-century work, The Philosophy of Sleep, by Robert Macnish (1830) gives the common picture:
A monstrous hag squatting upon his breast - mute, motionless and malignant; an incarnation of the evil spirit - whose intolerable weight crushes the breath out of his body, and whose fixed, deadly, incessant stare petrifies him with horror and makes his very existence insufferable.
While the reality of the mare was accepted by the standard demonologists, King James I in hisDemonology (1597) denied it, answering his own question: Is the "mare, which takes folks sleeping in their beds, a kind of these spirits?" no, it is
but a natural sickness, which the mediciners have given that name of incubusunto, ab incubando, because it is a thick phlegm, falling into our breast upon the heart, while we are sleeping, intercludes so our vital spirits, and takes all power from us, and makes us think that there were some unnatural burden or spirit lying upon us, and holding us down.
The mare also attacked horses, and Sir Thomas Brone (1646) tells how a stone hung up in the stables prevents the disease.


A charm against harm by night, especially against the nightmare of mare.  In Chaucer's Miller's Tale, the carpenter recites a white paternoster as a charm against the nightverye [monster]:
Jesu Christ and Saint Benedict,
Bless this house from every wicked wight.
Another invocation was mentioned by Fletcher in one of his plays (1619):
St. George, St. George . . .
He walks by day, he walks by night.
In his Compendium Maleficarum (1626), Guazzo gave directions for securing protection during sleep
by reciting holy psalms and prayer, such as Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi or In te Domine speravi, or some such orison.  Let them make the sign of the cross, reciting the Salve regina mater misericordiae, the paternoster, the Ave Maria, &c., if they would be safe from such snares.  Let them have by them a waxen Agnus Dei blessed by the pope, or some holy relics.  For such devotions are the safest protection and rampart against all the wiles of the prince of darkness.

Menurut Wikipedia: Dalam folklor Melayu, sosok kuntilanak digambarkan dalam bentuk wanita cantik yang punggungnya berlubang. Kuntilanak digambarkan senang meneror penduduk kampung untuk menuntut balas. Kuntilanak sewaktu muncul selalu diiringi harum bungakamboja . Konon laki-laki yang tidak berhati-hati bisa dibunuh sesudah kuntilanak berubah wujud menjadi penghisap darah. Kuntilanak juga senang menyantap bayi dan melukai wanita hamil.
Dalam cerita seram dan film horor di televisi, kuntilanak digambarkan membunuh mangsa dengan cara menghisap darah di bagian tengkuk, seperti vampir.

Sundel Bolong
Sundel bolong dalam mitos hantu Indonesia digambarkan dengan wanita berambut panjang dan bergaun panjang warna putih. Digambarkan pula terdapat bentukan bolong di bagian punggung yang sedikit tertutup rambut panjangnya sehingga organ-organ tubuh bagian perut terlihat. Dimitoskan hantu sundel bolong mati karena diperkosa dan melahirkan anaknya dari dalam kubur. Biasanya sundel bolong juga diceritakan suka mengambil bayi-bayi yang baru saja dilahirkan.

Tuyul (bahasa Jawa: thuyul) dalam mitologi Nusantara, terutama di Pulau Jawa, adalah makhluk halus berwujud anak kecil atau orang kerdil dengan kepala gundul. Penggambaran lainnya yang tidak disepakati semua orang adalah kulit berwarna keperakan, bersifat sosial (dalam pengertian memiliki masyarakat dan pemimpin), serta bersuara seperti anak ayam. Tuyul dapat dipekerjakan oleh seorang majikan manusia untuk alasan tertentu, terutama mencuri (uang). Untuk menangkal tuyul, orang memasang yuyu di sejumlah sudut rumah karena tuyul dipercaya menyukai yuyu sehingga ia lupa akan tugas yang dibebankan pemiliknya.
Kejadian tuyul dipercaya berasal dari janin orang yang keguguran atau bayi yang mati ketika lahir. Karena berasal dari bayi, karakter tuyul juga seperti anak-anak: gemar bermain (seperti laporan orang melihat sejumlah tuyul bermain pada tengah malam, dsb.).


Penggambaran pocong bervariasi. Dikatakan, pocong memiliki wajah berwarnah hijau dengan mata yang kosong. Penggambaran lain menyatakan, pocong berwajah rata dan memiliki lubang mata berongga atau tertutup kapas dengan wajah putih pucat. Mereka yang percaya akan adanya hantu ini beranggapan, pocong merupakan bentuk protes dari si mati yang terlupa dibuka ikatan kafannya sebelum kuburnya ditutup.
Meskipun pocong dalam film sering digambarkan bergerak melompat-lompat, mitos tentang pocong malah menyatakan pocong bergerak melayang-layang. Hal ini bisa dimaklumi, sebab di film-film pemeran pocong tidak bisa menggerakkan kakinya sehingga berjalannya harus melompat-lompat. Keadaan ini pula yang menimbulkan suatu pernyataan yang biasa dipakai untuk membedakan pocong asli dan pocong palsu di masyarakat:
 "Lihat saja cara berjalannya. Bila berjalannya melompat-lompat, lempar saja dengan batu, pasti akan teriak-teriak."
Kepercayaan akan adanya hantu pocong hanya berkembang di Indonesia, terutama di Jawa dan Sumatera. Walaupun penggambarannya mengikuti tradisi muslim, umat beragama lain pun ternyata dapat mengakui eksistensi hantu ini.

Genderuwo adalah makhluk halus yang berwujud manusia bertubuh besar dan kekar dengan rambut lebat menutupi tubuh. Genderuwo terutama dikenal dalam masyarakat di Pulau Jawa (orang Sunda menyebutnya “gandaruwo” dan orang Jawa menyebutnya “gendruwo”). Habitat hunian kegemarannya adalah pohon besar teduh atau sudut-sudut yang lembab dan gelap. Makhluk ini dilaporkan dapat berkomunikasi dengan manusia dan juga bisa menyukai manusia. Cerita-cerita misteri menyebutkan kalau genderuwo dapat mengubah penampakan dirinya mengikuti wujud fisik seseorang. Menurut cerita pula, genderuwo hanyalah berkelamin pria dan dapat menghamili perempuan, bahkan menghasilkan keturunan dari hubungan itu.
Asal-usul genderuwo dikatakan berasal dari arwah orang meninggal yang belum mau naik ke akhirat.
Genderuwo tidak dapat dilihat oleh orang biasa tapi pada saat tertentu dia dapat menampakkan dirinya bila merasa terganggu.


Istilah Kemangmang mungkin sudah tercetus sejak berabad-abad silam. Dia dipercaya sebagai makhluk yang berada dalam lingkup alam gaib. Termasuk bangsa jin.
Berbeda dengan jenis jin lain yang punya karakter dan bentuk penampakkannya menyerupai fisik manusia, Kemangmang wujud penampakkan fisiknya disebutkan berupa sosok katak air dalam ukuran jumbo. Setidaknya, kepercayaan semacam ini tumbuh subur di kalangan masyarakat Pantura, Jawa Barat, khususnya di daerah Indramayu dan sekitarnya.
Selain ukurannya ratusan kali lipat dari ukuran katak air atau Bangkong biasa yang hanya sekepalan tangan orang dewasa, pada bagian antara kepala dengan punggung, atau persisnya di sekitar tengkuk Kemangmang, akan muncul api yang berkobar-kobar.
Api pada tengkuk Kemangmang ini bukan halusinasi ataupun hanya api fatamorgana, melainkan api yang sanggup membakar kayu-kayu kering. Konon dengan sebab ini, di sejumlah lokasi rawa-rawa dan pertambakan di wilayah Pantai Utara Jawa Barat, kerap terjadi insiden kebakaran hutan mangrove (bakau) yang, Banyak yang menduga kebakaran ini akibat ulah Kemangmang.

Wewe Gombel adalah sebuah istilah dalam tradisi Jawa yang berarti roh jahat atau hantu yang suka mencuri anak-anak, tapi tidak mencelakainya. Konon anak yang dicuri biasanya anak-anak yang ditelantarkan dan diabaikan oleh orang tuanya. Wewe Gombel biasanya akan menakut-nakuti orang tua si anak atas sikap dan perlakuannya kepada anaknya sampai mereka bila mereka telah sadar, Wewe Gombel akan mengembalikan anaknya.
Menurut cerita, Wewe Gombel adalah roh dari seorang wanita yang meninggal bunuh diri lantaran dikejar masyarakat karena telah membunuh suaminya.Peristiwa itu terjadi setelah suami dari wanita itu berselingkuh dengan wanita lain. Sang suami melakukan hal itu karena istrinya tak bisa memberikan anak yang sangat diharapkannya. Akhirnya ia dijauhi dan dibenci suaminya lalu dikucilkan sampai menjadi gila dan gembel. disebut Wewe gombel karena kejadian ini terjadi di daerah Semarang. Jika kita berkendaraan dari arah jatingaleh ke arah banyumanik, maka akan terlihat bekas iklan bir bintang. Di situlah konon letak lokasi wewe gombel berada. Beberapa orang menyebutkan bahwa lokasi tersebut adalah lokasi kerajaan hantu. Menurut cerita itu pula, hal itu yang menyebabkan sebuah hotel yang terletak di dalam lokasi bukit gombel menjadi bangkrut.

Orang Bunian
Orang bunian adalah sejenis makhluk halus yang dikenal di wilayah Minangkabau, Sumatera Barat. Bentuknya menyerupai manusia, tinggal di tempat-tempat sepi, di rumah-rumah kosong yang telah ditinggal penghuninya.
Istilah ini dikenal di wilayah Istilah orang bunian juga terkadang dikaitkan dengan istilah dewa di Minangkabau, pengertian dewa dalam hal ini sedikit berbeda dengan pengertian dewa dalam agama-agama Hindu maupun Buddha. Dewa dalam istilah Minangkabau berarti sebangsa makhluk halus yang tinggal di hutan atau di rimba, di pinggir bukit, di dekat pekuburan. Biasanya bila hari menjelang maghrib di pinggir bukit akan tercium sebuah aroma yang biasa dikenal dengan nama masakan dewa atau samba dewa. aromanya mirip bau kentang goreng. Hal ini boleh ditanyakan langsung kepada masyarakat Minangkabau. Satu hal lagi, dewa lebih dikonotasikan bergender perempuan, yang cantik rupawan, bukan laki-laki seperti persepsi yang umum di agama lain. Selain itu,masyarakat juga meyakini bahwa ada peristiwa orang hilang disembunyikan dewa; ada juga istilah orang dipelihara dewa, yang semenjak bayi sudah dilarikan oleh dewa. cerita ini masih masyhur sampai sekarang.

Siluman dalam folklor Indonesia merupakan makhluk halus yang tinggal dalam komunitas dan menempati suatu tempat. Mereka melakukan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari layaknya manusia biasa. Mereka juga mengenal peradaban. Siluman dapat berasal dari manusia biasa yang kemudian meninggalkan alam kasar atau setelah orang meninggal ruhnya masuk dalam masyarakat itu, atau memang sudah merupakan makhluk halus sejak awalnya. Pertemuan antara manusia dengan siluman seringkali menjadi bagian dari cerita-cerita misteri yang digemari. Siluman dikenal pula sebagai orang bunian dalam tradisi masyarakat Sumatera. Mitos tentang Kanjeng Ratu Kidul merupakan satu mitos tentang masyarakat siluman yang sangat dikenal suku-suku di Jawa, bahkan digunakan sebagai legitimasi kekuasaan raja-raja pewaris Mataram.
Beberapa mitos tentang siluman lain:
* Siluman Rawa Lakbok
* Moksanya Prabu Siliwangi dan pengikut-pengikutnya di Gunung Gede
* Masyarakat penghuni Gunung Merapi (konon dipimpin oleh Sunan Merapi) dan Gunung Lawu (konon dipimpin oleh Sunan Lawu)

Dalam mitologi Bali, Leak adalah penyihir jahat. Le artinya penyihir dan ak artinya jahat. Leak hanya bisa dilihat di malam hari oleh para dukun pemburu leak. Di siang hari ia tampak seperti manusia biasa, sedangkan pada malam hari ia berada di kuburan untuk mencari organ-organ dalam tubuh manusia yang digunakannya untuk membuat ramuan sihir. Ramuan sihir itu dapat mengubah bentuk leak menjadi seekor harimau, kera, babi atau menjadi seperti Rangda. Bila perlu ia juga dapat mengambil organ dari orang hidup.
Diceritakan juga bahwa Leak dapat berupa kepala manusia dengan organ-organ yang masih menggantung di kepala tersebut. Leak dikatakan dapat terbang untuk mencari wanita hamil, untuk kemudian menghisap darah si bayi yang masih di kandungan. Ada tiga leak yang terkenal. Dua di antaranya perempuan dan satu laki-laki.
Menurut kepercayaan orang Bali, Leak adalah manusia biasa yang mempraktekkan sihir jahat dan membutuhkan darah embrio agar dapat hidup. Dikatakan juga bahwa Leak dapat mengubah diri menjadi babi atau bola api, sedangkan bentuk Leyak yang sesungguhnya memiliki lidah yang panjang dan gigi yang tajam. Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa sihir Leak hanya berfungsi di pulau Bali, sehingga Leak hanya ditemukan di Bali.
Apabila seseorang menusuk leher Leak dari bawah ke arah kepala pada saat kepalanya terpisah dari tubuhnya, maka Leak tidak dapat bersatu kembali dengan tubuhnya. Jika kepala tersebut terpisah pada jangka waktu tertentu, maka Leak akan mati.
Topeng leak dengan gigi yang tajam dan lidah yang panjang juga terkadang digunakan sebagai hiasan rumah.

Rangda adalah ratu dari para leak dalam mitologi Bali. Makhluk yang menakutkan ini diceritakan sering menculik dan memakan anak kecil serta memimpin pasukan nenek sihir jahat melawan Barong, yang merupakan simbol kekuatan baik.
Diceritakan bahwa kemungkinan besar Rangda berasal dari ratu Manendradatta yang hidup di pulau Jawa pada abad yang ke-11. Ia diasingkan oleh raja Dharmodayana karena dituduh melakukan perbuatan sihir terhadap permaisuri kedua raja tersebut. Menurut legenda ia membalas dendam dengan membunuh setengah kerajaan tersebut, yang kemudian menjadi miliknya serta milik putra Dharmodayana, Erlangga. Kemudian ia digantikan oleh seseorang yang bijak. Nama Rangda berarti juga janda.
Rangda sangatlah penting bagi mitologi Bali. Pertempurannya melawan Barong atau melawan Erlangga sering ditampilkan dalam tari-tarian. Tari ini sangatlah populer dan merupakan warisan penting dalam tradisi Bali. Rangda digambarkan sebagai seorang wanita dengan rambut panjang yang acak-acakan serta memiliki kuku panjang. Wajahnya menakutkan dan memiliki gigi yang tajam.

Babi Ngepet
Babi ngepet adalah mahluk dalam legenda masyarakat Indonesia yang bercerita tentang siluman babi. Beberapa mitos menceritakan tentang babi ngepet yang merupakan orang yang ingin kaya dengan cara mengambil pesugihan babi. Saat akan “beraksi”, si tuan harus mengenakan jubah hitam untuk menutupi tubuhnya. Dan nanti, secara ajaib, si tuan akan berubah menjadi babi. Orang yang satu lagi harus menjaga lilin agar tidak goyang apinya. Apabila api lilin sudah mulai goyang, artinya orang yang menjadi babi itu mulai dalam bahaya. Tugas si penjaga lilin adalah mematikan lilinnya agar si babi dapat berubah kembali menjadi manusia biasa. Babi ngepet biasanya mengambil uang dengan cara menggesek-gesekkan tubuhnya di pintu lemari, dsb.
STEP 1 (Basic)
Intinya adalah menghentikan segala khayalan yg bersarang dalam pikiran dan hati (kosong). Namun sebagian orang mungkin sulit untuk melalui tahap ini, dan jalan satu2 nya adalah latihan.
latihan yg baik adalah pada malam hari di saat kita hendak tidur. luangkan waktu 2 jam atau kurang dari itu, untuk mulai mengosongkan pikiran dan hati. tolak segala macam kata,gambar,maupun bisikan kecil yg terbesit. walau hanya satu huruf,angka atau secuil gambar. lakukan secara continue dan tambah jam latihan pada saat hendak tidur tanpa harus mengorbankan aktivitas kita pd pagi hari "begadang". mereka yg berhasil adalah kosongnya khayalan pada pikiran dan hati nya. step 2 pada post selanjutnya (khusus muslim)

Perlu di pahami bahwa ini hanyalah sebuah metode. dan mereka yg menginginkan sebuah 'amalan tertentu' pada step selanjutnya pastinya akan kecewa. untuk step 1 yang nampaknya spele, Jstru menurut saya ini adalah tahap yang paling berat. Inilah tahap dasar ilmu kebathinan, dengan menutup jalannya segala khayalan dalam pikiran dan hati. Otomatis akan membuka sebuah jalan atau layar baru. dan inilah mata bathin.


Dzikir Qolbi

1. Tasbihat
2. Istighfar
3. Sholawat

1. Membagi waktu menjadi 1/3 dalam 24 jam = 8 Jam dimulai dari ba'da subuh

a. 1/3 pertama "Tasbihat"
b. 1/3 kedua "Sholawat"
c. 1/3 Ketiga "Istighfar"

2. Mengikuti perputaran waktu shalat

a. Ba'da Shubuh "Tasbihat"
b. Ba'da Dzuhur "Sholawat"
c. Ba'da Ashar "Istighfar"
d. Ba'da Maghrib "Tasbihat"
e. Ba'da isya "Sholawat"
f. Ditutup dengan Sholat Hajat & Taubat Sebelum Tidur Dilanjutkan dengan "istighfar"

Tidak ada jumlah tertentu untuk pengamalannya, Cukup Dawamkan ketika senggang/Ingat..ketika dikantor,dijalan,dirumah,
Saat sedang bekerja Dan aktivitas Lainnya kecuali Pada Tempat2/Aktivitas dimana berdzikir tidak diperbolehkan.
Jangan mencampurkan dengan Amalan Yg biasa dilakukan Ba'da Sholat.

Tidak Perlu Takut Ketika Nanti akan banyak Tersingkap hijab - hijab yg sebelumnya tidak pernah dirasakan,
Dengan Senantiasa istiqomah mengamalkan Otomatis Diri kita akan siap Dengan Terbukanya hijab Tersebut

Bagi Mereka Yg Sebelumnya Pernah berlatih Olah Kebathinan, Silahkan Lanjut Saja Pada Step 2 Dan Tidak Perlu Mengikuti Latihan Diatas.

Untuk Terbukanya hijab pertama Pada Step2 ini. Minimal kita bisa Merasakan Aura atau Membaca karakter&Pikiran Orang Dihadapan kita.

This is a swirling column of white ectoplasm that is often mistaken for a camera strap because it usually is found on the right side of the photograph in a vertical position. This column may cast a shadow and may lie in a horizontal or vertical position on the photo. One or more vortex columns may be present. The vortex may loop or may appear to disappear completely from the photo. The column may be of any color, but the most common is white. Often a blue-white color may be visible associated with portions of the column being transparent. In those photographs taken at funerals, the vortex captured on film are often more blue than white with individual sections of the column as a dense white almost like blobs within the column. The older the spirit, the more solid the vortex appears. This may be a basic configuration for the ghost entity. From this configuration the vortex transforms into a globular shaped ectoplasm.

Orbs or Balls of Light 

Orbs are the most common configuration pattern for the spirits of the dead. The sphere is considered the ideal vehicle for moving about. The spirit orb may represent one or more spirits or souls. Documented evidence suggest that these Orbs may allow multiple spirits to travel together. Most often an Orb in motion will leave a contrail since it is moving faster than the shutter speed of the camera. Orbs are the essence of who we were in life, our intelligence, our emotions, our personalities and our attitudes are all retained within this essence or soul. Often these orbs can be observed with the human eye as they past through the wall or zip across the room.

Ectoplasm or Ecto Vapor

This is a form of spirit energy that appears either as long white swirls or as a vapor or cloud like spirit energy. This configuration appears to be unorganized and resembles swirls of smoke. When an Orb comes to rest, it can dissolve into an ectoplasmic mist. In some ectoplasmic mist, swirls caused by orbs in motion can be observed.

Ecto Swirls

This form of ectoplasm resembles swirls of smoke or vapor and is caused by orbs in motion that are leaving a contrail behind it. The vapor trails are generally white.

Dust Particles

Dust particles suspended in the air are often thought to be spirit orbs simply because they are also orb shaped. If the IGHS Standards & Protocols are not followed, the chances of photographing dust particles instead of spirit orbs are very high. Most digital cameras will capture suspended dust particles, both indoors and outdoors. Most people are amazed that their homes contain suspended dust particles, but they do. Heaters, vents, fans and other devices move the tiny dust particles on currents of air not seen by our eyes. The orb shaped anomalies maybe out-of-round, broken or chucked, may appear as shield shape, diamond shape or octogonal depending on which camera is used. Any straight line found on an anomaly means it is produced by light being reflected back into the camera causing the anomaly. Spirit orbs never have straight lines of any kind. Most dust particles appear in clusters and resemble bubbles.

Camera Strap

Camera straps are most often confused with the vortex or vortices because of their patterns, but camera straps are very easy to detect because the pattern of the strap is visible. It is different from a vortex or from vortices since the strap is very close to the lens, it cannot twist and turn in the short distance. We had to take over twenty-four photos with the film camera before we captured a decent strap, the others did not come close to resembling vortices. It is hard so any critic who claims a vortex is a strap, ask him to demonstrate how easy it is, because we found not it is very hard to do.
The fourth marvelous faculty of your higher consciousness is inner power. Though you may at times feel very weak and incapable of changing oppressive conditions in your world and personal life, you actually do possess an inner power to change things! It's always there within you. You can unleash it as soon as you discover it and work with it. Why ignore it?
When you feel weak, confronted by a multitude of obstacles, when fears amass and offensively charge you, seek your higher consciousness. Often superconscious insight guides you and you will know what to do. Or perhaps you may be given a deeply secure and comforting awareness which helps you to deal with your dread. You may find a sweet peace or a sense of the underlying beauty and joy of life. Also, perhaps early in your experience of higher consciousness, you will discover that mindfully taking your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and your present understanding of your difficult situation into your higher consciousness enables you to find that subtle power which changes your situation.

When you find higher consciousness you find a marvelous power which moves into the chaos or the menace. This inner power may turn your problem into a benefit or dissolve the problem. This power might even delay your menaces until your situation is completely improved. You will find yourself growing from the sense of being puny and inadequate into a state of faith and certainty that knows good will inevitably expresses, right will be done, truth will prevail. You have this inner power. It is available in your distress and in the good times, too. Never forget you have this wonderful inner power to improve your life, and yourself.

Dean Quotes

Sam: Burning the painting didn't get rid of it.
Dean: Yeah, thank you Captain Obvious!
Dean: (talking about his dad) You know I love the guy, but I swear he writes like freaking Yoda!
 Red Sky at Morning
Bela: Do you really think this is going to work?
Dean: Almost definitely not.
Bad Day at Black Rock 
Bela: So, how'd things go last night with Peter?
(Sam gives angry look) 
Bela: That well, huh.
Dean: If you say "I told you so," I swear to God, I'll start swinging.
Red Sky at Morning 
Dean: (about Bela) You know what? Your right. I’m not going to kill her. I think slow torture’s the way to go.
Red Sky at Morning 
Dean: (to Sam) You stink like sex.
Red Sky at Morning 
(about Bela)
Dean: Can I shoot her? 
Sam: Not in public.
Bedtime Stories 
Sam: I think it's Snow White
Dean: Snow White? Ah, I saw that movie. Oh, the porn version anyway.
(to Sammy about his girly coffee choice)
Dean: Your half-caf, double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis.
What Is and What Should Never Be 
(Sam has just told Dean they don't get along)
Dean: We don't? Well, we should. You're my brother. 
Sam: You're my brother.
Dean: Yeah! 
Sam: You know, that's what you said when you snaked my ATM card, or when you bailed on my graduation, or when you hooked up with Rachel Nayv.
Dean: Who? 
Sam: Uh, my prom date. On prom night.
Dean: *under his breath* Yeah, that does kinda sound like me.
Sam: This is the dumbest thing you've ever done.
Dean: I don't know about that. Remember that waitress in Tampa ?
Folsom Prison Blues 
Henricksen: You think you're funny?
Dean: I think I'm adorable.
Dean: Ya know she could be faking.
Sam:Yeah, what do you wanna do, poke her with a stick?
(Dean nods)
Sam: Dude, you're not gonna poke her with a stick!
Fresh Blood 
Dean : What do you want me to do, Sam, huh? Sit around all day writing sad poems about how I’m going to die? You know what, I’ve got one. Let’s see, what rhymes with "Shut up, Sam"?
A Very Supernatural Christmas 
Dean : You fudging touch me again, I'll fudging kill you!
(to the townspeople who are about to sacrifice him for their farms)
Dean: I hope your apple pie is freakin' worth it!
Dean: We might even run into Fred and Daphnie inside. Mmmm... Daphnie. I love her.
Dean: Come on man. I know Sam, OK? Better than anyone. He's got more of a conscience than I do. I mean the guy feels guilty searching the Internet for porn.
Dean: I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot.
Crossroads Blues 
Dean: We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.
Dean: Damn cops.
Sam: They were just doing their job. 
Dean: No, they were doing our job, only they don't know it so they suck at it
Dean: I like him. He says okie dokie.
Dean: As long as I'm around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you.
Dead in the Water
Sam: Kids are the best?
Dean: Yeah, I love kids. 
Sam: Name three children that you even know.
(Dean scratches head for while; Sam starts to walk away) 
Dean: I'm thinking!
(about the shapeshifter)
Dean: Ugh, the thought of him driving my car. 
Sam: Oh, c'mon.
Dean: It's killing me!
Dean: Man, you're a lying bastard! I thought you said we were going to see a doctor.
Sam: I believe I said specialist. Look, Dean, this guy is supposed to be the real deal.
Dean: I can't believe you brought me here to see some guy who heals people out of a tent!
Dean: You better take care of that car. Or, I swear, I'll haunt your ass.
Sam: I don't think that's funny.
Dean: Oh come on, it's a little funny.
Houses of the Holy 
Sam: Dean, there's ten times as much lore about angels as there is about anything else we've ever hunted.
Dean: You know what, there's a ton of lore on unicorns too. In fact, I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams, and that they shoot rainbows out of their ass!
Sam: (looking heartbroken) Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?
Dean: (looks concerned for a moment, then catches on) Cute.
Dean: Of course, the most troubling question is, why do these people assume we're gay?
(an infected townsperson tells Dean to get out of his car)
Dean:Heh. Well, you are a handsome devil, but I don't swing that way. Sorry.
Crossroad Blues
Dean: The secretary's name is Carly. She's 23, she kayaks, and they're real.
Sam: You didn't happen to ask her if she's seen any black dogs lately, did you?
(Dean hands over a list)
Dean: Every complaint called in this week about anything big, black or doglike. There's 19 calls in all. And, uh, I don't know what this is.
(hands Sam a post-it note; Sam laughs)
Sam: You mean Carly's MySpace address?
Dean: Yeah, MySpace, what the hell is that?
(Sam laughs again, a little incredulous)
Dean: Seriously, is that like some sort of porn site?
The Kids Are Alright
Sam: So let me get this straight. You want to drive all the way to Cicero just to hook up with some random chick?
Dean: She was a yoga teacher. That was the bendiest weekend of my life!
Bad Day at Black Rock 
Dean: (reading from trophy) 1995.
Sam: No way. That's my Division Championship soccer trophy. I can't believe he kept this. 
Dean: Probably the closest you ever got to being a boy.
Sin City 
Dean: (about the Colt) So if we wanna go check out these omens in Ohio, think you can have that thing ready by this afternoon?
Bobby: Well, it won’t kill demons by then, but I can promise it’ll kill you.
Bedtime Stories 
Sam: I've got a theory. Sort of.
Dean: Hit me.
Sam: Well, thinking about fairy tales.
Dean: Oh, that’s... that's nice. You think about fairy tales often?
Bedtime Stories 
Sam: (staring at frog on the road) Yeah, you’re right, that's completely normal.
Dean: All right, maybe it is fairy tales. Totally messed-up fairy tales. I'll tell you one thing, there’s no way I'm kissing a damned frog.
Bedtime Stories 
Sam: (gesturing to pumpkin on porch) Hey, check that out.
Dean: Yeah? It's close to Halloween. 
Sam: You remember Cinderella? The pumpkin that turns into a coach and the mice that become horses?
Dean: Dude! Could you be more gay? Don't answer that.
Bedtime Stories 
Dean: You find a way to stop Callie, all right.
Sam: What about you?
Dean: I'm gonna go stop the big bad wolf. Which is the weirdest thing I've ever said.
Red Sky At Morning
Dean: A Hand of Glory? I think I got one of those at the end of my Thai massage last week.
Red Sky At Morning
Bela: You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex.
Dean: (after thinking hard) Don't objectify me.
Fresh Blood
Dixon: Can you think of a worse hell?
Dean: Well, there's Hell.
A Very Supernatural Christmas
Sam: Huh, when you sacrifice to Holnacar, guess what he gives you in return? 
Dean: Lap dances, hopefully.
A Very Supernatural Christmas 
Dean: She gave them to you for free? Do you sell them for free?
Shopkeeper: No way. It's Christmas. People pay a buttload for them. 
Dean: That's the spirit.
Malleus Maleficarum 
Dean: You saved my life.
Ruby: Don't mention it. 
Dean: What was that stuff? God, it was ass. It tasted like ass.
Ruby: It's witchcraft, short bus. (she leaves) 
Dean: (mutters) You're the short bus, short bus...
Malleus Maleficarum 
Dean: (to Ruby) You wanna kill me, get in the line b*tch!
Dream a Little Dream of Me 
Dean: Dude, you were making some serious happy noises. Who are you dreaming about? Angelina Jolie?
Sam: No... 
Dean: Brad Pitt?
Sam: No. No!
Mystery Spot
Dean being mimicked by Sam: You think your being funny but your being really really childish... Sam Winchester wears make-up... Sam Winchester cries his way through sex... Sam Winchester keeps a ruler by his bed and every morning when he wakes up he... OK ENOUGH!!
Jus in Bello
Dean: It's like we got a contract on us. You think it's 'cause we're so awesome? I think it's 'cause it's we're so awesome.
Jus in Bello
Henricksen: I shot the Sheriff.
Dean: (stares at the dead cop for a while) But you didn't shoot the deputy.
Jus in Bello
Sam: You were possessed. 
Henricksen: Possessed like... possessed?
Sam: That's what it feels like. Now you know 
Dean: I owe you the biggest "I told you so" ever.
Jus in Bello
Henricksen: I mean, after all, seeing you two in chains... 
Dean: You kinky son of a b*tch, we don't swing that way.
Jus in Bello 
Dean: Honestly, I think the world's going to end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin'.
Jus in Bello 
Henricksen: You know what my job is?
Dean: You mean, besides locking up the good guys?
Malleus Maleficarum 
Dean: I hate witches! Spewing their bodily fluids everywhere. It is insane! No, downright unsanitary!
Devil's Trap
Meg: He begged for his life with tears in his eyes. He begged to see his sons one last time. That's when I slit his throat! 
Dean: For your sake, I hope your lying. 'Cause if it's true I swear to God I will march into hell myself, and I will slaughter each and every one of you evil sons of b*tches, so help me God!
Devil's Trap 
Dean: Where's our father, Meg?
Meg: You didn't ask very nicely. 
Dean: Where's our father, b*tch!
Meg: Do you kiss you mother with that mouth? Oh, I forget... You don't!
The Kids Are Alright 
Dean (to Sam): Gumby girl.... Does that make me Pokey?

Sleep Paralysis

I'm sure many of you have had sleep paralysis and I'm going to tell you what it is.
Sleep Paralysis has been known for a long time. Throughout the history of mankind there have been the reports of people awakening to feel a sense of weight on their chests and an inability to move their limbs to escape this pressure. People who experience this phenomena almost unanimously describe a feeling of panic and fear at their experience which can last long after the paralysis of their bodies has faded and they can move again.
 Legends have arisen in every culture as a means of explaining this sensation, now called sleep paralysis. Hebrew legends equate the night hag with Adam's first wife, Lilith (More about Lilith). More commonly the European view from the Middle Ages was that a witch or other demonic entity was sitting on their bodies and trying to entrap their souls. But whether the night hag is thought to be an old woman, witch, devil, incubi or succubi, there is rarely reported an actual visual presence and the victims are left to fear that such a thing will happen to them again.
 Modern scientific study has discovered a common feature with most of these sleep paralysis events and a physiological cause for the most pronounced symptoms. It has been discovered that during sleep the brain releases a hormone into the blood stream that will paralyze the major muscle groups to prevent locomotion. In this way, the body can rest while the mind is working its way through dreams. This hormone is designed to prevent the body from hurting itself during the unconscious sleep state.
 Those who have had too little of the hormone introduced are subject to limb thrashing and sleepwalking as the person acts out the events of their dreamsThe medical explanation of sleep paralysis is that as a person rouses from the deeper sleep cycle, the hormone will take a few moments to wear off and release the muscles of the arms and legs, thus causing a brief period where the paralysis lingers. Generally it only takes a few seconds for this to fade, but even such a brief time can cause panic in many people. That a sense of fear or dread accompanies this sensation can be understood in that one of the major triggers for sleep paralysis is extreme stress in one's life.
 While the medical profession considers all the sensations of sleep paralysis to be psychosomatic, paranormal researchers have often encountered stories of being held down or choked in places that exhibit poltergeist activity. There have been other reports, some as recent as the early 1990's, of a person's spouse entering the room where their partner is experiencing "sleep paralysis" and seen a dark shadowy form fleeing the bed of the victim.
 There has yet to be discovered a practical way to study any but the most physiological aspects of this phenomena. That it has been a fact throughout the history of man could lend weight to the totally mundane explanation. But there has also been the belief of malicious spirits bent on harming the living for as long as humans can remember. Does the truth lie somewhere in between? Could it not be equally valid that certain dark spirits use this physical effect in an effort to attack the souls of the living when they are in a defenseless position?.
 I hope this has helped people who have had sleep paralysis I am sorry for a long boring presentation.
American Indians: limikkin or skin walkers.
Argentina: A fox-like werewolf lobizón or lobisón as well as werejaguars know as runa-uturungu.
Brazil: lobisomem. There are also boto, a river dolphin that transforms into a boy, and a uirapuru - a small brown bird that transforms into a boy.
Bulgaria: vrkolak.
Canada: bearwalker.
Chili: The chonchon shapeshifter is a witch that transforms into a vulture.
China: Lang Ren.
Ethiopia, Morocco and Tanzania: The boudas is a sorcerer/blacksmith that changes into a werehyena. It often wears an ornament from its human form by which it may be recognized.
France: loup-garou is prevalent in France with the Beast of Gevaudan being the most famous documented case. Then there is the bisclavret which is a werewolf that cannot return to human form unless it can put its clothing back on.
Finland: ihmissusi.
Greece: vrykolaka is a catchall word for werewolf, vampire or sorcerer. The word lycanthropy, from the ancient werewolf-king Lycaeon, originated here.
Haiti: loup-garou can change into anything, both plant and animal.
Iceland: A hamrammr (from old Icelandic literature) is a werecreature that shifts into the form of the animal it has most recently eaten. Its strength increases with each animal that it consumes. The current (and more correct) word for werewolf is varulfur.
India: rakshasa or raghosh is a shifter who can change into any animal it wants and is characterized by its large size and color of hair (red or blond).
Indonesia (Bali): layak(Leak) is a spirit that shapeshifts into humans, animals or objects and will cause mishaps, illnesses or even death.
Ireland & Scotland: The selkies are seals that take off their skins to become human. Dark-haired Celts may have their geneology explained via the selkies. Selkies are helpful creatures who watch over fishermen.
Italy: lupo mannero or licantropo s an Italian werewolf. The "Benandanti' were werewolves that left their physical bodies behind to become wolves at which point they would go to the underworld to fight witches.
Japan: The most popular werecreatures in Japanese folklore is the kitsune (fox) and the tanuki or mijina (raccoon dog or badger). The kitsune is usually a female, and the tanuki, a male. Collectively, shapeshifters are called henge.
Kenya, Africa: The ilimu is a man- eating shapeshifter that starts out as an animal, but can shift into the form of a man.
Latvia: vilkacis, meaning "wolf eyes" or "werewolf," is a shapeshifter that is usually evil, but occasionally offers treasures.
Lithuania: vilkatas is the Lithuanian version of the werewolf.
Mexico: nahaul is a werecreature that can turn into a wolf, large cat, eagle or bull.
Native Americans: Many different types of "skin walkers such as the Navajo Indians' skinwalkers, the Mai-Coh and the. Mohawk Indians limikkin.
Normandy, France: lubins or lupins look like wolves, but can speak and are very shy.
Norway and Sweden: eigi einhamir (not of one skin) has the ability to change into a wolf by wearing a wolfskin.
Panama: Tula Vieja has been and continues to be sighted in Panama on a regular basis. The creature takes the form of a very, very old woman or witch (bruja) with a crow's foot for a right hand. This child-eating shifter haunts all places dark and dismal, waiting to take anyone back to Hell with her that she can get her claw/hand on.
Persia: The Persians have a creature similar to the Indian rakshasa that pretends to be a harmless animal. It often attacks travelers.
Philippines: The aswang is a vampire-werewolf who transforms from a human to a canine form at night, and eats human flesh. The aswang also manifests itself as a decaying corpse that has been severed at the waist (in other has nothing from the waist down)... with batwings. They are very closely related to the Berbalang ghouls of legend.
Portugal: The bruxsa or cucubuth is a vampire-werewolf that consumes both flesh and blood. The lobh omen would be your everyday werewolf.
Russia: The wawkalak is a werewolf who has been transformed as a punishment of the Devil. Not considered frightening by friends and neighbors.
Russia, Central: The bodark is a Russian name for the werewolf.
Scandinavia: The varulv much prefers beer to human flesh. Scandinavia is also home to the berserker (bearskin). There is also the ulfheobar (wolfskin), which is usually lumped in with berserker.
Serbia: The wurdalak is a werewolf that died and became a vampire.
Slovakia: The vlkodlak is transformed into a werewolf by the sorcery of another. It usually shies away from people.
South America: Kanima, a jaguar-shaped spirit that seeks and kills murderers.
Spain: The Spanish werewolf, or lob hombre, prefers pretty gemstones to human flesh.
United States: Native Americans have many different types of "skin walkers" (see above). There are wererats that are particularly rampant around Pennsylvania. The wererat skulks around at night, and prefers carrots with ranch dressing to human flesh.

Bobby Singer

Full Name : Robert Stephen Singer
Episode Count : 25
Played By : Jim Beaver
Height : 6'1''
Eyes : Blue
Occupation : Auto Wrecker/ Hunter
Specialties : Research, Ritualistic Spells, Combat, Exorcisms, Catalogin
 Spouse : Karen Singer, deceased
Address : South Dakota
 Bobby is a hunter like the Winchesters, though he seems to stay fairly stationary. He wears a lot of flannel and is almost always seen in a trucker's hat. He runs an auto salvage yard as his day job, and is a go-to guy for supernatural research. He became involved in the hunt when his wife became possessed and he was forced to kill her, because of his lack of supernatural knowledge at that time. He seems to have amassed quite a bit of knowledge over the years (being the first to deduce on his own that Meg was in fact possessed), plus his house is full of bookcases and stacks of books about the supernatural world and the things hunters go after. He and John Winchester were old friends, though they had a falling out prior to the onset of the series. According to Dean Winchester during Bobby's first appearance, the last time Bobby and John met prior to the show, Bobby almost "filled him with buckshot," but they made peace and were working together again before John's death.

  • He had/has a dog named Rumsfeld (seen only once).
  • He owns and runs an auto salvage yard. His day job as Salvager
  • He owns a blue Ford tow-truck with South Dakota plates: 9NO3L1
  • He owns a 1971 Chevrolet Chevelle
  • His name is an in-joke - it's the same as that of executive producer Bob Singer.
  • Pattern of choice: Flannel shirts.
  • Head gear of choice: Trucker’s Hat.


Full Name : Castiel
Species : Angel
Related Date : November 22, 2008
Angel Of : Thursday
Symbol : The Archer
First Appearene : Lazarus Rising
Hair : Brown
Eyes : Blue
 Occupation : Angels - Help The Boys
The Angel Of : Thursday, New Changes, Travel
Description : Castiel is an Angel of Thursday and will help anyone born on this day or anyone who asks for help on this day. The Angel can help us if there are changes in our life which may involve a lot of travelling or moving to a new country and we need guidance
Colours : Pastel Green
 Season : Autumn
 Month : November
Day : Thursday
 Keywords : Beginnings, Passion, Understanding
 Gemstones : Topaz
 Symbol : The Archer
Tarot : Temperance
Castiel (played by Misha Collins) first appears in episode 4.01 "Lazarus Rising", as the "Angel of the Lord" who pulls Dean from Hell. He tries to communicate with him twice after his resurrection, but fails to do so after incorrectly assuming Dean is capable of withstanding the power of his voice. He later meets with Dean within the body of a human host, and tells him that he had raised him because God has work for him to do. Dean is skeptical, but both Bobby and Sam believe the claim to be true, as there is no other being that they can find or know of that is capable of pulling a soul out of Hell and that is also immune to all the known methods of killing supernatural creatures.
In episode 4.02, Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester, Castiel appears to Dean again, congratulating him for dealing with the Witnesses. However, Dean is angry with him for knowing about the event but not assisting them. Castiel explains that he was busy on other battlefields, and tells Dean of the importance of the Witnesses and how they are just one of 66 seals. Upon more questioning, the angel reveals that Lilith is breaking the seals in order to free Lucifer, an event they are trying to stop at all costs. After some more condescending remarks from him, Castiel tells Dean that "six of his brothers" had died that week, and if Dean didn't want to be sent back to Hell, he had better show some respect.
Castiel later sends Dean back through time in episode 4.03, "In the Beginning", to when Azazel had made a pact with Mary Winchester to show Dean all that they know of the demon's plan. However, he admits that they are unaware of the main goal that he had for his psychic children. When Castiel returns Dean to the present, he tells him that they are unsure of Sam's part in Azazel's plan and that Sam is headed down a dangerous road. Pointing out that Sam, who had left in the night to go with Ruby, is not in the hotel room, Castiel tells Dean of his brother's location and gives an ultimatum: either stop Sam, or the angels will.
In episode 4.07 "It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester", Castiel meets Sam in person for the first time. Although Sam is humbled and awed by his presence, the angel is initially hesitant to even shake Sam's hand (although eventually does so) but proceeds to shatter many of Sam's illusions about angels by referring to him as "the boy with the demon blood". He then begins to speak with Dean about the witch the brothers were hunting, warning them that she sought to break one of the 66 seals. He reveals that they cannot allow another seal to be lost, having brought a "specialist" angel, Uriel, to smite the entire town in an effort to destroy the witch. Both Sam and Dean are understandably upset that they would consider such a method, and Dean eventually manages to convince them otherwise by refusing to leave the town. Being important to heaven, and seemingly God, the angels wouldn't dare kill him. Castiel, having appeared already reluctant to carry out his supposed orders, allows Dean to do as he wishes. In a later conversation with Uriel, he chastises his partner for insulting humanity by referring to them as "mud monkeys", and tells him that they must continue following their "true orders." After the Winchester brothers manage to vanquish the demon Samhain, Castiel pays Dean another visit, revealing to him that their real orders were to follow his orders. He then tells Dean that he finds humans to be "works of art," being creations of his Father, and that he was praying that he would choose to save the town. He then confesses, in confidence, that he sometimes has doubts about distinguishing what is truly right and what is truly wrong any more. He leaves Dean with a warning that Hell would be brought to earth if they failed, and that he doesn't envy Dean the weight on the his shoulders.
In episode 4.09 "I Know What You Did Last Summer", Castiel returns with Uriel seeking Anna Milton, a girl with a special ability to "hear" all the communications between the angels. They plan to kill the girl, though for reasons beyond the brothers' initial understanding. It is later revealed in Heaven and Hell that Anna was once an angel, and that she outranked Castiel much in the same way he is above Uriel. Thus, not only could she be interrogated by Hell for what she can hear, but also of what she already knows of Heaven. Though the group managed to escape him and Uriel, the two angels eventually track them down with information from a reluctant Dean. They had threatened to send him back to Hell, and although he still resisted, he eventually relented when they threatened to kill Sam as well. Castiel chose not to deliver this message, as according to Uriel, he liked Dean too much.
Once there, Castiel expresses regret at having to kill Anna. She coolly replies to him that he couldn't feel the full scope of that emotion. Before they can carry out their plan, however, they are confronted by Alistair and two of his demon minions. A fight ensues, and Castiel attempts to destroy Alistair while Uriel deals with the others. Unfortunately, Alistair proves far stronger than he imagined, and not only rebuffs the angel's attempts, but easily knocks him down with a single strike. The demon then begins to chant a spell of an unknown purpose, which seems to be potent enough to strike fear in Castiel. He is saved by Dean, and then all of them are rescued when Anna regains her grace and, with it, her angelic powers. Although Uriel nearly vents his frustration on Dean, Castiel stops him, and the two leave peacefully.
As an Angel of God, Castiel is an extremely powerful being. Merely perceiving his actual form typically results in blindness, as the appearance of his natural "visage" is so overwhelming that it is capable of burning a individual's eyes from their sockets, including those possessed by a demon. However, according to Castiel himself, certain "special people" are able to tolerate his true appearance and voice. He initially believed Dean to be one of these special individuals, yet his ignorance led only to two failed attempts to contact Dean. Apparently, one can protect themselves from such personal damage by shielding their eyes, and perhaps their ears, from the presence of a Angel, as demonstrated by Sam and Dean in "Heaven and Hell".
Castiel possesses astounding power, though his abilities are apparently not completely limitless. He is apparently immortal and invulnerable to mortal harm. At the end of "Lazaras Rising", he absorbed several shotgun blasts directly to the chest of his host, which did not so much as faze him. He is capable of possessing a Human and fully utilizing their body, yet he claims that his host is, or possibly was, a "devout man who prayed for it". This possibly indicates that Castiel is adverse to possessing a sentient being, and would not had done so if the man had not prayed for it, though he has not appeared to be particularly fazed by this. Castiel typically displays very little emotion and always exhibits an extremely somber disposition. He has not been observed to smile or express any strong emotions. According to the fallen Angel Anna, Angels possibly do not possess the ability to truly feel emotion. However, Castiel frequently exhibits what could be referred to as friendly affection towards Dean, and seems to at the very least come close to expressing regret, hesitance, and anger several times.
Castiel also possesses the ability to seemingly vanish and materialize from thin air. How he accomplishes this has not been elaborated on, yet as he is an Angel and possesses wings, he could possibly be flying from one place to another, only moving so fast as to become unperceivable. Another possibility is that he possesses an ability to teleport, though flying seems to be more likely, as both he and his partner have been observed suddenly appearing at a location accompanied by the sound of flapping wings and a sudden rush of air. Though he typically seems to attempt to avoid fighting, he is a very formidable opponent when need be, and is apparently practically unstoppable when facing mortal beings. As Uriel exhibited superhuman strength when battling two demons in the episode "Heaven and Hell", Castiel most likely possesses such physical power as well. He possesses the ability to kill or exorcise a demon simply by touching his palm to the forehead of it's host, yet the demon Alastair proved to possess complete immunity from such an attack. Castiel usually deals with trobelsome Humans by touching his finger to their foreheads, which apparently results in instant unconciousness. He is also fully immune to every defense used against demons and other supernatual entities, such as salt barriers and Ruby's Dagger.
Castiel also possesses the ability to bend time and teleport himself and another backwards through time. Perhaps Castiel's most impressive ability observed to date was his removal of Dean's soul from Hell and the apparent resurrection of Dean that followed. Apparently, Castiel is not only capable of entering and exiting Hell at will and without harm, but also of extracting a particular soul in the process. Castiel also appears to be capable of projecting at least a portion of his true self from his host, as at the end of "Lazarus Rising", he was able to display the shadows of his wings to Dean as proof that he was in fact what he claimed. Despite his vast power and knowledge, however, Castiel is not completely immune to harm. He can apparently be hurt and killed by powerful demons. Also, in the episode "Are you there God? It's me, Dean Winchester", he claims to Dean that six of his "brothers" were recently killed in battle, indicating that Castiel himself and Angels in general are not fully immune to death and harm.
Full Name : Samuel winchester
Date Of Birth : May 2, 1983
Date Of Death : May 2, 2007
Date Resurrected : May 2, 2007
Place Of Birth : Lawrence, Kansas
Height : 6'6" (according to the mug shots in Folsom Prison Blues).
Hair : Brown
Eyes : Hazel
Occupation : Hunter, Former Student
 Specialties : Hunting, Research, Exorcisms
 Sam was born on May 2, 1983 to John and Mary Winchester in Lawrence, Kansas. He was the couple's second-born child and younger son, four years younger than his older brother, Dean. Sam stands at 6' 4" tall.
Sam is different from his older brother, in that he is sensitive, rational, more innocent, and seemingly more concerned with living a "normal life" than his brother; in spite of this, it is apparent that he would do anything for Dean. He also rebelled against his father's attempts to raise him as a demon hunter and enrolled in Stanford University.
When Dean came to ask Sam for his help in the first episode, the viewers are introduced to Jessica, Sam's girlfriend. It is apparent that Sam was somewhat popular, despite no one knowing what it is his family really does. His brother Dean is the only one allowed to call him by his nickname, "Sammy." Sam has also had more love interests than Dean, although Dean has had a few flings on the show.
Although this is the Sam the viewers have come to love in Seasons 1 & 2, Sam has slowly become more and more hardened and cold hearted as Season 3 continues on. This is most likely a result of trying to become more like Dean so he can help Dean get out of 'the Deal.'
‡ Age 6 months - Mary was killed
‡ Age 6 - Attacked by a Shtriga
‡ Age 8 - Gives Dean the amulet meant for John as a Christmas gift
‡ Age 12 - Wins a Division Championship Soccer trophy
‡ Age 18 or 19 - Leaves his family to study at Stanford
‡ Age 20 - Starts dating Jessica Moore
‡ Age 22 - Dean turns up and begs him to help find John. Jessica is killed.

Sam uses a chromed Beretta 92fs loaded with silver rounds and uses a pistol grip 4-shelled 12 gauge shotgun loaded with rock salt. Is also very talented at hand to hand combat shown in season 1 episode 1 when he fights Dean in his dorm room. However, Dean appears to be the more skilled of the two when it comes to hand-to-hand, something Sam would never admit.
Though Sam is usually more concerned about not hurting the hosts and others possesed by deamons, he has actually used The Colt on more occasions than any other known person, including the original hunter. However, as of the end of the third season he has only killed three demons with the weapon, the same number as Dean.
At the end of the third season Sam loses possession of The Colt, but he now has possession of Ruby's Dagger, upon the death of Dean and Ruby's absence.
In Season One, he owns what appears to be a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop, which he uses to gather information for hunts. The first time Sam uses the laptop is in the second episode "Wendigo", where he plays a video message. His possession of the laptop is ambiguous at this point because it is unsure what he did and did not salvage from the fire at Stanford in the pilot episode. In that same episode, his brother Dean makes references using computer software which leads viewers to believe that Dean may, in fact, be the owner of the laptop. In "Tall Tales," Sam claims ownership of the laptop, accusing Dean of misplacing it. In the beginning of Season Two, when Sam and Bobby Singer are surveying the wreckage of the totaled Impala, Sam pulls the broken PC from the passenger seat. Then, in "Crossroad Blues," Sam is seen using an Apple 15" PowerBook or MacBook Pro, though interestingly, its display shows a Windows OS. Sam also appears to own a Verizon-branded Motorola Q which has on at least one occasion (in "Hollywood Babylon") been used to visually track unseen ghosts. This phone however was destroyed in the third season episode "Fresh Blood."
Sam exhibits both telekinetic and precognitive abilities at various times throughout the show. His telekinesis onscreen is limited to a single incident wherein he was under extreme stress and pressure, while his precognitive abilities, manifesting as dreams and visions of others' deaths, started prior to the first episode with dreams of Jessica's death, and continued throughout the first two seasons. Sam stated that visions stopped with the death of Azazel at the end of Season Two; Azazel is assumed to have given Sam and the other psychic children their gifts. However, according to Ruby, his powers are simply dormant. Ruby also states that if he was in full control of his power, he could blow away demons as powerful as Lilith with no effort. At the end of "No Rest For the Wicked", Sam demonstrates an ability to stop Lilith's attack, proving Ruby's theory correct.
Thanks to his training as a hunter by his father he is a skilled fighter, expert with firearms, shotguns, and melee weapons. Like his brother Dean he is skilled in many areas frowned upon by law, such as lock picking, computer hacking, car jacking and the list goes on. In the first two seasons he is often hesitant about using these skills because of his desire to be a 'normal' citizen, however this lessens over time. He has vast knowledge of the supernatural and is considered an "encyclopedia of weirdness." He is proficient in reading spells written in foreign languages such as Latin and more often then not is the brother stuck with doing the research for their latest hunt.

Dean Winchester

 Full Name : Dean Winchester
Date Of Birth : 24 January 1979
Place Of Birth : Lawrence, Kansas
Date Of Date : May 2, 2008 (Age 29), (Sam's Birthday)
Date Of Resurrected : September 18, 2008 (according to newspaper he picks up in Lazarus Rising)
Height : 6'3" (according to the mug shots in Folsom Prison Blues).
Weight : 175 lbs
Hair : Brown
Eyes : Green
Occupation : Hunter, Con Artist
Specialties : Combat, Hunting, Driving
Dean was four years old when their mother was killed. On his fathers orders, he took baby Sam and ran from the house, without having seen exactly what was happening. From that time onwards, he followed his fathers instructions, learning to fight demons and protect Sammy. When he was around 6 or 7 years old, he learnt to shoot, with his father training him by using bottles for target practice. He bullseyed every one of them. When Dean was 10 years old, Sam was attacked by a Shtriga while they were in a motel in Wisconsin. Dean was supposed to have been looking after him, but had left him alone. Luckily John appeared in time to save Sam, but Dean carried the guilt with him for a long time. By the time Dean was 16 years old, John was taking him along on hunts. Dean told this to Gordon that he was 16 when he killed a vampire and later burned his body. This as the time when he embraced the life.
He is major fan of classic rock music and heavy metal. He always wears a brass amulet on a long black cloth band necklace.n the episode A Very Supernatural Christmas, the necklace is revealed to be a gift from Sam on Christmas Day, 1991. The amulet was originally meant for John, but after their father yet again failed to come home for Christmas, Sam gave it to Dean instead, saying "Dad lied to me, I want you to have it," and because Dean desperately tried to give him a good Christmas. In addition to the amulet, Dean always wears a silver ring on his right ring finger. He also has a small black tattoo on the upper left side of his chest, it is a protective plated pentagram with rays of the sun surrounding it.
Dean also appears to be a fan of Jack Nicholson, and possibly watches Oprah. He tends to make light of some of his and Sam's adventures, and is known to use crude humor and make sexual innuendos. Dean is terrified of flying, and claims that it is the reason why he drives everywhere. Despite his working knowledge of existence beyond death he is adversarial towards religion and does not believe in god. He values his family and their safety more than anything else, even going so far as to kill a demon and its human host in order to save Sam's life, as well as sell his own soul to save Sam's life.
When Dean accidentally electrocuted himself, he was given only weeks to live by the doctors. Despite this, Sam searched for a way out and took Dean to see a faith healer. Although the faith healer was not actually one (he was channeling a reaper), Dean was still returned to full health. He still feels that he shouldn't have been allowed to live, as his recovery left another man dead. A few months later, he almost died after the car crash that The Demon caused. He was in a coma and encountered a reaper who informed him it was his time. He refused to go, and at the last moment, John gave his life in exchange for Dean's, yet again leaving Dean with severe feelings of guilt. According to police records, Dean Winchester was assumed dead due to the shapeshifter who died while disguised as him. However, his recent arrest for a murder (which he didn't commit) has led the police to change their assumptions about his current status.He was killed by hellhounds in the season 3 finale No Rest For The Wicked ,as his deal's time was up. In the last scene he was shown in Hell.
When Sam was killed, it broke Dean. He did the one thing he could to get his brother back - he offered his soul in a deal with a Crossroads Demon. The deal gave him Sam back, but gave him only a year to live. The caveat was that if they tried to break the deal in any way, Sam would die instantly. Sam tired to save him but wasn't stressful and dean died in season three finale No Rest For The Wicked.
In season 4, he was pulled out of Hell by Castiel, who told him that God has plans for him.
In season 5, he is on the verge of fulfilling prophecy as the one who will somehow stop Lucifer. 

Due to his father's training and his years of experience, Dean has several notable advantages for a human and is a formidable hunter and combatant. He is superbly proficient in hand-to-hand/close quarters combat and has demonstrated proficiency in knife fighting as well, using a blade on several occasions. He is an exceptional shot, capable of achieving excellent accuracy with most weapons, and is well-versed in the use of multiple types of firearms, although he prefers his Colt 1911 and sawed-off shotgun. He also possesses considerable demolitions training and apparently is knowledgeable in the science of chemistry, as he has been shown to be capable of making improvised explosive devices through the use of common chemicals. Dean is extremely proficient at tracking, hunting and killing various supernatural creatures and has considerable knowledge of these creatures, their habits, weaknesses, appearance, ways of disguising themselves among humans, methods of killing, and where they normally prefer to live and hunt. In addition to his combat skills, Dean is a skilled driver and a accomplished mechanic. He knows the inner workings of the Impala so well that he can often detect when something is wrong with his "baby" merely by listening closely. He also rebuilt it following the accident at the end of Series 1.
He has demonstrated great proficiency at reading and manipulating people and assessing a given situation through observation, is a competent con artist, and is knowledgeable in how police, the fire department and various other agencies-such as the FBI, Home Land Security and Center for Disease Control operate and respond to emergencies. Dean is also highly adept at escape and evasion, and can effectively remain unseen and move silently when the situation requires stealth. He is highly resourceful as well, is capable of quickly disabling and hacking various electronic devices-such as home security systems-and can quickly bypass (pick) most standard locks. 
