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Full Name : Samuel winchester
Date Of Birth : May 2, 1983
Date Of Death : May 2, 2007
Date Resurrected : May 2, 2007
Place Of Birth : Lawrence, Kansas
Height : 6'6" (according to the mug shots in Folsom Prison Blues).
Hair : Brown
Eyes : Hazel
Occupation : Hunter, Former Student
Specialties : Hunting, Research, Exorcisms
Sam was born on May 2, 1983 to John and Mary Winchester in Lawrence, Kansas. He was the couple's second-born child and younger son, four years younger than his older brother, Dean. Sam stands at 6' 4" tall.
Sam is different from his older brother, in that he is sensitive, rational, more innocent, and seemingly more concerned with living a "normal life" than his brother; in spite of this, it is apparent that he would do anything for Dean. He also rebelled against his father's attempts to raise him as a demon hunter and enrolled in Stanford University.
When Dean came to ask Sam for his help in the first episode, the viewers are introduced to Jessica, Sam's girlfriend. It is apparent that Sam was somewhat popular, despite no one knowing what it is his family really does. His brother Dean is the only one allowed to call him by his nickname, "Sammy." Sam has also had more love interests than Dean, although Dean has had a few flings on the show.
Although this is the Sam the viewers have come to love in Seasons 1 & 2, Sam has slowly become more and more hardened and cold hearted as Season 3 continues on. This is most likely a result of trying to become more like Dean so he can help Dean get out of 'the Deal.'
‡ Age 6 months - Mary was killed
‡ Age 6 - Attacked by a Shtriga
‡ Age 8 - Gives Dean the amulet meant for John as a Christmas gift
‡ Age 12 - Wins a Division Championship Soccer trophy
‡ Age 18 or 19 - Leaves his family to study at Stanford
‡ Age 20 - Starts dating Jessica Moore
‡ Age 22 - Dean turns up and begs him to help find John. Jessica is killed.
Sam uses a chromed Beretta 92fs loaded with silver rounds and uses a pistol grip 4-shelled 12 gauge shotgun loaded with rock salt. Is also very talented at hand to hand combat shown in season 1 episode 1 when he fights Dean in his dorm room. However, Dean appears to be the more skilled of the two when it comes to hand-to-hand, something Sam would never admit.
Though Sam is usually more concerned about not hurting the hosts and others possesed by deamons, he has actually used The Colt on more occasions than any other known person, including the original hunter. However, as of the end of the third season he has only killed three demons with the weapon, the same number as Dean.
At the end of the third season Sam loses possession of The Colt, but he now has possession of Ruby's Dagger, upon the death of Dean and Ruby's absence.
In Season One, he owns what appears to be a Dell Inspiron
6000 laptop, which he uses to gather information for hunts. The first
time Sam uses the laptop is in the second episode "Wendigo", where he plays a video message. His
possession of the laptop is ambiguous at this point because it is unsure
what he did and did not salvage from the fire at Stanford in the pilot
episode. In that same episode, his brother Dean makes references using
computer software which leads viewers to believe that Dean may, in fact,
be the owner of the laptop. In "Tall Tales," Sam claims ownership of the laptop,
accusing Dean of misplacing it. In the beginning of Season Two, when Sam and Bobby Singer are surveying the wreckage of the
totaled Impala, Sam pulls the broken PC from the passenger seat. Then,
in "Crossroad Blues," Sam is seen using an Apple 15"
PowerBook or MacBook Pro, though interestingly, its display shows a
Windows OS. Sam also appears to own a Verizon-branded Motorola Q which
has on at least one occasion (in "Hollywood Babylon") been used to visually track
unseen ghosts. This phone however was destroyed in the third season
episode "Fresh Blood."
Sam exhibits both telekinetic and precognitive abilities at various times throughout the show. His telekinesis onscreen is limited to a single incident wherein he was under extreme stress and pressure, while his precognitive abilities, manifesting as dreams and visions of others' deaths, started prior to the first episode with dreams of Jessica's death, and continued throughout the first two seasons. Sam stated that visions stopped with the death of Azazel at the end of Season Two; Azazel is assumed to have given Sam and the other psychic children their gifts. However, according to Ruby, his powers are simply dormant. Ruby also states that if he was in full control of his power, he could blow away demons as powerful as Lilith with no effort. At the end of "No Rest For the Wicked", Sam demonstrates an ability to stop Lilith's attack, proving Ruby's theory correct.
Thanks to his training as a hunter by his father he is a skilled fighter, expert with firearms, shotguns, and melee weapons. Like his brother Dean he is skilled in many areas frowned upon by law, such as lock picking, computer hacking, car jacking and the list goes on. In the first two seasons he is often hesitant about using these skills because of his desire to be a 'normal' citizen, however this lessens over time. He has vast knowledge of the supernatural and is considered an "encyclopedia of weirdness." He is proficient in reading spells written in foreign languages such as Latin and more often then not is the brother stuck with doing the research for their latest hunt.