Demonology (Occultism)

There have been various demonologies (classifications of demons) in Christian demonology and classical occultism and Renaissance magic. Classification systems are based on the nature of the demon, the sin with which they tempt people, the month in which their power was strongest, the saints that were their adversaries, or other characteristics.

Classification by domain

It can be noted that according to each author listed below, the domain of each demon is very different (with the exception of Francesco Maria Guazzo, who seem to have copied Michael Psellus with little difference). It can also be seen that each author chooses his demons in a random form.

∞The Testament of Solomon

The Testament of Solomon is an Old Testament pseudepigraphical work, purportedly written by King Solomon, in which Solomon mostly describes particular demons whom he enslaved to help build the temple, the questions he put to them about their deeds and how they could be thwarted, and their answers, which provide a kind of self-help manual against demonic activity.The date is very dubious, perhaps 1st century to 3rd century, certainly the oldest work surviving particularly concerned with individual demons.

∞Psellus' classification of demons

This is a classification of demons prepared by Michael Psellus in the 11th century and that undoubtedly was an inspiration for the one Francesco Maria Guazzo prepared later. They are divided into Empyreal, Aerial, Subterranean, Lucifugi, Aqueous, Terrene

∞Spina's classification of demons

Alfonso de Spina, in 1467, prepared a classification of demons based on several criteria:
≈Demons of fate
Incubi and succubi(Inccubus And Succubus/Sexual Demon)
≈Wandering groups or armies of demons
 ≈Demons that are born from the union of a demon with a human being.
≈Liar and mischievous demons
≈Demons that attack the saints
≈Demons that try to induce old women to attend Witches' Sabbaths
This classification is somewhat capricious and it is difficult to find a criterion for it. It seems that Spina was inspired by several legends and stories. The drudes belong to German folklore. Familiars, goblins, and other mischievous demons belong to the folklore of most European countries.
The belief in incubi and succubae (and their ability to procreate) seem to have inspired the sixth category, but it could also have been inspired in the Talmudic legend of demons having sexual intercourse with mortal women (see also Mastema).
The visions of tempting demons that some early (and not too early) saints had, perhaps inspired the ninth category (i.e. the visions of Anthony the Great).
The idea of old women attending Sabbaths was common during the European Middle Age and Renaissance, and Spina mentioned it before the Malleus Maleficarum as it is possible to see.

∞Binsfeld's classification of demons

 Peter Binsfeld prepared a classification of demons in 1589. His demon classification was based on the seven deadly sins, establishing that each one of the mentioned demons tempted people by means of one of those sins.
Lucifer: pride
Mammon: greed
Asmodeus: lust
Leviathan: envy
Beelzebub: gluttony
Satan/Amon: wrath
Belphegor: sloth

∞Guazzo's classification of demons

Francesco Maria Guazzo prepared this classification of demons based on a previous work by Michael Psellus. It was published in his book Compendium Maleficarum in 1608.
≈Demons of the superior layers of the air, which never establish a relationship with people.
≈Demons of the inferior layers of the air, which are responsible for storms.
≈Demons of Earth, which dwell in fields, caves and forests.
≈Demons of water, which are female demons, and destroy aquatic animals.
≈Demons of the underground part of the Earth, responsible of keeping hidden treasures, causing earthquakes, and causing the crumbling of houses.
≈Demons of the night, which are black and evil. These demons avoid daylight.

∞Michaelis' classification of demons

In 1613 Sebastien Michaelis wrote a book, Admirable History, in which included a classification of demons as it was told to him by the demon Berith when he was exorcising a nun, according to the author. This classification is based on the Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchies, according to the sins the devil tempts one to commit, and includes the demons' adversaries (who suffered that temptation without falling).
Note that many demons' names are exclusively French or unknown in other catalogs. St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist are the two St. Johns to whom Michaelis refers. The other saints are cited only by their name without making clear, i.e., which Francis is (of Assisi?).

∞First hierarchy

The first hierarchy includes angels that were or are Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.
Beelzebub was a prince of the Seraphim, just below Lucifer. Beelzebub, along with Lucifer and Leviathan, were the first three angels to fall. He tempts men with pride and is opposed by St. Francis.
Leviathan was also a prince of the Seraphim who tempts people to give into heresy, and is opposed by Saint Peter.
Asmodeus was also a prince of the Seraphim and reportedly continues to be one, burning with desire to tempt men into wantonness. He is opposed by St. John the Baptist.
Berith was a prince of the Cherubim. He tempts men to commit homicide, and to be quarrelsome, contentious, and blasphemous. He is opposed by St. Barnabas.
Astaroth was a prince of Thrones, who tempts men to be lazy and is opposed by St. Bartholomew.
Verrine was also prince of Thrones, just below Astaroth. He tempts men with impatience and is opposed by St. Dominic.
Gressil was the third prince of Thrones, who tempts men with impurity and is opposed by St. Bernard.
Sonneillon was the fourth prince of Thrones, who tempts men to hate and is opposed by St. Stephen.

∞Second hierarchy

The second hierarchy includes Powers, Dominions, and Principalities.
≈Carreau was a prince of Powers. He tempts men with hardness of heart and is opposed by St.s Vincent and Vincent Ferrer
≈Carnivean was also a prince of Powers. He tempts men to obscenity and shamelessness, and is opposed by John the Evangelist.
≈Oeillet was a prince of Dominions. He tempts men to break the vow of poverty and is opposed by St. Martin.
Rosier was the second in the order of Dominions. He tempts men against sexual purity and is opposed by St. Basil.
≈Verrier was the prince of Principalities. He tempts men against the vow of obedience and is opposed by St. Bernard.

∞Third hierarchy

The third hierarchy includes Virtues, Archangels, and Angels.
Belias was the prince of Virtues. He tempts men with arrogance and women to be vain, raise their children as wantons, and gossip during mass. He is opposed by St. Francis de Paul.
Olivier was the prince of the Archangels. He tempts men with cruelty and mercilessness toward the poor and is opposed by St. Lawrence.
Olivier was the prince of the Archangels. He tempts men with cruelty and mercilessness toward the poor and is opposed by St. Lawrence.

∞Barrett's classification of demons

Francis Barrett, in his book The magus (1801), offered this classification of demons, making them princes of some evil attitude, person or thing:
Beelzebub: idolators
Pythius: liars and liar spirits
Belial: vessels of iniquity and inventors of evil things
Asmodeus: vile revenges
Satan: witches and warlocks
Merihem: pestilences and spirits that cause pestilences
Abaddon: powers of war and devastation
Astaroth: inquisitors and accusers
Mammon: tempters and ensnarers


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