STEP 1 (Basic)
Intinya adalah menghentikan segala khayalan yg bersarang dalam pikiran dan hati (kosong). Namun sebagian orang mungkin sulit untuk melalui tahap ini, dan jalan satu2 nya adalah latihan.
latihan yg baik adalah pada malam hari di saat kita hendak tidur. luangkan waktu 2 jam atau kurang dari itu, untuk mulai mengosongkan pikiran dan hati. tolak segala macam kata,gambar,maupun bisikan kecil yg terbesit. walau hanya satu huruf,angka atau secuil gambar. lakukan secara continue dan tambah jam latihan pada saat hendak tidur tanpa harus mengorbankan aktivitas kita pd pagi hari "begadang". mereka yg berhasil adalah kosongnya khayalan pada pikiran dan hati nya. step 2 pada post selanjutnya (khusus muslim)

Perlu di pahami bahwa ini hanyalah sebuah metode. dan mereka yg menginginkan sebuah 'amalan tertentu' pada step selanjutnya pastinya akan kecewa. untuk step 1 yang nampaknya spele, Jstru menurut saya ini adalah tahap yang paling berat. Inilah tahap dasar ilmu kebathinan, dengan menutup jalannya segala khayalan dalam pikiran dan hati. Otomatis akan membuka sebuah jalan atau layar baru. dan inilah mata bathin.


Dzikir Qolbi

1. Tasbihat
2. Istighfar
3. Sholawat

1. Membagi waktu menjadi 1/3 dalam 24 jam = 8 Jam dimulai dari ba'da subuh

a. 1/3 pertama "Tasbihat"
b. 1/3 kedua "Sholawat"
c. 1/3 Ketiga "Istighfar"

2. Mengikuti perputaran waktu shalat

a. Ba'da Shubuh "Tasbihat"
b. Ba'da Dzuhur "Sholawat"
c. Ba'da Ashar "Istighfar"
d. Ba'da Maghrib "Tasbihat"
e. Ba'da isya "Sholawat"
f. Ditutup dengan Sholat Hajat & Taubat Sebelum Tidur Dilanjutkan dengan "istighfar"

Tidak ada jumlah tertentu untuk pengamalannya, Cukup Dawamkan ketika senggang/Ingat..ketika dikantor,dijalan,dirumah,
Saat sedang bekerja Dan aktivitas Lainnya kecuali Pada Tempat2/Aktivitas dimana berdzikir tidak diperbolehkan.
Jangan mencampurkan dengan Amalan Yg biasa dilakukan Ba'da Sholat.

Tidak Perlu Takut Ketika Nanti akan banyak Tersingkap hijab - hijab yg sebelumnya tidak pernah dirasakan,
Dengan Senantiasa istiqomah mengamalkan Otomatis Diri kita akan siap Dengan Terbukanya hijab Tersebut

Bagi Mereka Yg Sebelumnya Pernah berlatih Olah Kebathinan, Silahkan Lanjut Saja Pada Step 2 Dan Tidak Perlu Mengikuti Latihan Diatas.

Untuk Terbukanya hijab pertama Pada Step2 ini. Minimal kita bisa Merasakan Aura atau Membaca karakter&Pikiran Orang Dihadapan kita.

This is a swirling column of white ectoplasm that is often mistaken for a camera strap because it usually is found on the right side of the photograph in a vertical position. This column may cast a shadow and may lie in a horizontal or vertical position on the photo. One or more vortex columns may be present. The vortex may loop or may appear to disappear completely from the photo. The column may be of any color, but the most common is white. Often a blue-white color may be visible associated with portions of the column being transparent. In those photographs taken at funerals, the vortex captured on film are often more blue than white with individual sections of the column as a dense white almost like blobs within the column. The older the spirit, the more solid the vortex appears. This may be a basic configuration for the ghost entity. From this configuration the vortex transforms into a globular shaped ectoplasm.

Orbs or Balls of Light 

Orbs are the most common configuration pattern for the spirits of the dead. The sphere is considered the ideal vehicle for moving about. The spirit orb may represent one or more spirits or souls. Documented evidence suggest that these Orbs may allow multiple spirits to travel together. Most often an Orb in motion will leave a contrail since it is moving faster than the shutter speed of the camera. Orbs are the essence of who we were in life, our intelligence, our emotions, our personalities and our attitudes are all retained within this essence or soul. Often these orbs can be observed with the human eye as they past through the wall or zip across the room.

Ectoplasm or Ecto Vapor

This is a form of spirit energy that appears either as long white swirls or as a vapor or cloud like spirit energy. This configuration appears to be unorganized and resembles swirls of smoke. When an Orb comes to rest, it can dissolve into an ectoplasmic mist. In some ectoplasmic mist, swirls caused by orbs in motion can be observed.

Ecto Swirls

This form of ectoplasm resembles swirls of smoke or vapor and is caused by orbs in motion that are leaving a contrail behind it. The vapor trails are generally white.

Dust Particles

Dust particles suspended in the air are often thought to be spirit orbs simply because they are also orb shaped. If the IGHS Standards & Protocols are not followed, the chances of photographing dust particles instead of spirit orbs are very high. Most digital cameras will capture suspended dust particles, both indoors and outdoors. Most people are amazed that their homes contain suspended dust particles, but they do. Heaters, vents, fans and other devices move the tiny dust particles on currents of air not seen by our eyes. The orb shaped anomalies maybe out-of-round, broken or chucked, may appear as shield shape, diamond shape or octogonal depending on which camera is used. Any straight line found on an anomaly means it is produced by light being reflected back into the camera causing the anomaly. Spirit orbs never have straight lines of any kind. Most dust particles appear in clusters and resemble bubbles.

Camera Strap

Camera straps are most often confused with the vortex or vortices because of their patterns, but camera straps are very easy to detect because the pattern of the strap is visible. It is different from a vortex or from vortices since the strap is very close to the lens, it cannot twist and turn in the short distance. We had to take over twenty-four photos with the film camera before we captured a decent strap, the others did not come close to resembling vortices. It is hard so any critic who claims a vortex is a strap, ask him to demonstrate how easy it is, because we found not it is very hard to do.
The fourth marvelous faculty of your higher consciousness is inner power. Though you may at times feel very weak and incapable of changing oppressive conditions in your world and personal life, you actually do possess an inner power to change things! It's always there within you. You can unleash it as soon as you discover it and work with it. Why ignore it?
When you feel weak, confronted by a multitude of obstacles, when fears amass and offensively charge you, seek your higher consciousness. Often superconscious insight guides you and you will know what to do. Or perhaps you may be given a deeply secure and comforting awareness which helps you to deal with your dread. You may find a sweet peace or a sense of the underlying beauty and joy of life. Also, perhaps early in your experience of higher consciousness, you will discover that mindfully taking your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and your present understanding of your difficult situation into your higher consciousness enables you to find that subtle power which changes your situation.

When you find higher consciousness you find a marvelous power which moves into the chaos or the menace. This inner power may turn your problem into a benefit or dissolve the problem. This power might even delay your menaces until your situation is completely improved. You will find yourself growing from the sense of being puny and inadequate into a state of faith and certainty that knows good will inevitably expresses, right will be done, truth will prevail. You have this inner power. It is available in your distress and in the good times, too. Never forget you have this wonderful inner power to improve your life, and yourself.
There have been various demonologies (classifications of demons) in Christian demonology and classical occultism and Renaissance magic. Classification systems are based on the nature of the demon, the sin with which they tempt people, the month in which their power was strongest, the saints that were their adversaries, or other characteristics.

Classification by domain

It can be noted that according to each author listed below, the domain of each demon is very different (with the exception of Francesco Maria Guazzo, who seem to have copied Michael Psellus with little difference). It can also be seen that each author chooses his demons in a random form.

∞The Testament of Solomon

The Testament of Solomon is an Old Testament pseudepigraphical work, purportedly written by King Solomon, in which Solomon mostly describes particular demons whom he enslaved to help build the temple, the questions he put to them about their deeds and how they could be thwarted, and their answers, which provide a kind of self-help manual against demonic activity.The date is very dubious, perhaps 1st century to 3rd century, certainly the oldest work surviving particularly concerned with individual demons.

∞Psellus' classification of demons

This is a classification of demons prepared by Michael Psellus in the 11th century and that undoubtedly was an inspiration for the one Francesco Maria Guazzo prepared later. They are divided into Empyreal, Aerial, Subterranean, Lucifugi, Aqueous, Terrene

∞Spina's classification of demons

Alfonso de Spina, in 1467, prepared a classification of demons based on several criteria:
≈Demons of fate
Incubi and succubi(Inccubus And Succubus/Sexual Demon)
≈Wandering groups or armies of demons
 ≈Demons that are born from the union of a demon with a human being.
≈Liar and mischievous demons
≈Demons that attack the saints
≈Demons that try to induce old women to attend Witches' Sabbaths
This classification is somewhat capricious and it is difficult to find a criterion for it. It seems that Spina was inspired by several legends and stories. The drudes belong to German folklore. Familiars, goblins, and other mischievous demons belong to the folklore of most European countries.
The belief in incubi and succubae (and their ability to procreate) seem to have inspired the sixth category, but it could also have been inspired in the Talmudic legend of demons having sexual intercourse with mortal women (see also Mastema).
The visions of tempting demons that some early (and not too early) saints had, perhaps inspired the ninth category (i.e. the visions of Anthony the Great).
The idea of old women attending Sabbaths was common during the European Middle Age and Renaissance, and Spina mentioned it before the Malleus Maleficarum as it is possible to see.

∞Binsfeld's classification of demons

 Peter Binsfeld prepared a classification of demons in 1589. His demon classification was based on the seven deadly sins, establishing that each one of the mentioned demons tempted people by means of one of those sins.
Lucifer: pride
Mammon: greed
Asmodeus: lust
Leviathan: envy
Beelzebub: gluttony
Satan/Amon: wrath
Belphegor: sloth

∞Guazzo's classification of demons

Francesco Maria Guazzo prepared this classification of demons based on a previous work by Michael Psellus. It was published in his book Compendium Maleficarum in 1608.
≈Demons of the superior layers of the air, which never establish a relationship with people.
≈Demons of the inferior layers of the air, which are responsible for storms.
≈Demons of Earth, which dwell in fields, caves and forests.
≈Demons of water, which are female demons, and destroy aquatic animals.
≈Demons of the underground part of the Earth, responsible of keeping hidden treasures, causing earthquakes, and causing the crumbling of houses.
≈Demons of the night, which are black and evil. These demons avoid daylight.

∞Michaelis' classification of demons

In 1613 Sebastien Michaelis wrote a book, Admirable History, in which included a classification of demons as it was told to him by the demon Berith when he was exorcising a nun, according to the author. This classification is based on the Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchies, according to the sins the devil tempts one to commit, and includes the demons' adversaries (who suffered that temptation without falling).
Note that many demons' names are exclusively French or unknown in other catalogs. St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist are the two St. Johns to whom Michaelis refers. The other saints are cited only by their name without making clear, i.e., which Francis is (of Assisi?).

∞First hierarchy

The first hierarchy includes angels that were or are Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.
Beelzebub was a prince of the Seraphim, just below Lucifer. Beelzebub, along with Lucifer and Leviathan, were the first three angels to fall. He tempts men with pride and is opposed by St. Francis.
Leviathan was also a prince of the Seraphim who tempts people to give into heresy, and is opposed by Saint Peter.
Asmodeus was also a prince of the Seraphim and reportedly continues to be one, burning with desire to tempt men into wantonness. He is opposed by St. John the Baptist.
Berith was a prince of the Cherubim. He tempts men to commit homicide, and to be quarrelsome, contentious, and blasphemous. He is opposed by St. Barnabas.
Astaroth was a prince of Thrones, who tempts men to be lazy and is opposed by St. Bartholomew.
Verrine was also prince of Thrones, just below Astaroth. He tempts men with impatience and is opposed by St. Dominic.
Gressil was the third prince of Thrones, who tempts men with impurity and is opposed by St. Bernard.
Sonneillon was the fourth prince of Thrones, who tempts men to hate and is opposed by St. Stephen.

∞Second hierarchy

The second hierarchy includes Powers, Dominions, and Principalities.
≈Carreau was a prince of Powers. He tempts men with hardness of heart and is opposed by St.s Vincent and Vincent Ferrer
≈Carnivean was also a prince of Powers. He tempts men to obscenity and shamelessness, and is opposed by John the Evangelist.
≈Oeillet was a prince of Dominions. He tempts men to break the vow of poverty and is opposed by St. Martin.
Rosier was the second in the order of Dominions. He tempts men against sexual purity and is opposed by St. Basil.
≈Verrier was the prince of Principalities. He tempts men against the vow of obedience and is opposed by St. Bernard.

∞Third hierarchy

The third hierarchy includes Virtues, Archangels, and Angels.
Belias was the prince of Virtues. He tempts men with arrogance and women to be vain, raise their children as wantons, and gossip during mass. He is opposed by St. Francis de Paul.
Olivier was the prince of the Archangels. He tempts men with cruelty and mercilessness toward the poor and is opposed by St. Lawrence.
Olivier was the prince of the Archangels. He tempts men with cruelty and mercilessness toward the poor and is opposed by St. Lawrence.

∞Barrett's classification of demons

Francis Barrett, in his book The magus (1801), offered this classification of demons, making them princes of some evil attitude, person or thing:
Beelzebub: idolators
Pythius: liars and liar spirits
Belial: vessels of iniquity and inventors of evil things
Asmodeus: vile revenges
Satan: witches and warlocks
Merihem: pestilences and spirits that cause pestilences
Abaddon: powers of war and devastation
Astaroth: inquisitors and accusers
Mammon: tempters and ensnarers
Supernatural Fans In Indonesia THE REAL GHOST HUNTER: Demology
The ascription of malevolence to the world of spirits is by no means universal. In West Africa, the Mpongwe believe in local spirits, just as do the Inuit; but they are regarded as inoffensive in the main. Passers-by must make some trifling offering as they near the spirits' place of abode; but it is only occasionally that mischievous acts, such as the throwing down of a tree on a passer-by, are, in the view of the natives, perpetuated by the class of spirits known as Ombuiri. So too, many of the spirits especially concerned with the operations of nature are conceived as neutral or even benevolent; the European peasant fears the corn-spirit only when he irritates him by trenching on his domain and taking his property by cutting the corn; similarly, there is no reason why the more insignificant personages of the pantheon should be conceived as malevolent, and we find that the Petara of the Dyaks are far from indiscriminating and malignant, being viewed as invisible guardians of mankind.


Under the head of demons are classified only such spirits as are believed to enter into relations with the human race; the term therefore includes:
  1. angels in the Judeo-Christian tradition that fell from grace,
  2. human souls regarded as genii or familiars,
  3. such as receive a cult (e.g., ancestor worship),
  4. ghosts or other malevolent revenants.
Excluded are souls conceived as inhabiting another world. Yet just as gods are not necessarily spiritual, demons may also be regarded as corporeal; vampires for example are sometimes described as human heads with appended entrails, which issue from the tomb to attack the living during the night watches. The so-called Spectre Huntsman of the Malay Peninsula is said to be a man who scours the firmament with his dogs, vainly seeking for what he could not find on Earth -a buck mouse-deer pregnant with male offspring; but he seems to be a living man; there is no statement that he ever died, nor yet that he is a spirit. The incubi and Succubi of the Middle Ages are sometimes regarded as spiritual beings; but they were held to give proof of their bodily existence, such as offspring (though often deformed). Belief in demons goes back many millennia. The Zoroastrian faith teaches that there are 3,333 Demons, some with specific dark responsibilities such as war, starvation, sickness, etc.
Demonology is the systematic study of demons or beliefs about demons. Insofar as it involves exegesis, demonology is an orthodox branch of theology. It is the branch of theology relating to superhuman beings who are not gods. It deals both with benevolent beings that have no circle of worshippers or so limited a circle as to be below the rank of gods, and with malevolent beings of all kinds. The original sense of "demon," from the time of Homer onward, was a benevolent being; but in English the name now holds connotations of malevolence.
Demons, when regarded as spirits, may belong to either of the classes of spirits recognized by primitive animism;djinn, for example, are not reducible to modified human souls; at the same time these classes are frequently conceived as producing identical results, e.g. diseases. Demonology, though often referred to with negative connotation, was not always seen as evil or devilish as the term would have one believe. that is to say, they may be human, or non-human, separable souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a body. A sharp distinction is often drawn between these two classes, notably by the Melanesians, the West Africans, and others; the Arab
The word demonology is from Greek δαίμων, daimōn, "divinity, divine power, god"; and -λογία, -logia.

Prevalence of demons

According to some societies, all the affairs of life are supposed to be under the control of spirits, each ruling a certain "element" or even object, and themselves in subjection to a greater spirit. For example, the Inuit are said to believe in spirits of the sea, earth and sky, the winds, the clouds and everything in nature. Every cove of the seashore, every point, every island and prominent rock has its guardian spirit. All are potentially of the malignant type, to be propitiated by an appeal to knowledge of the supernatural. Traditional Korean belief posits that countless demons inhabit the natural world; they fill household objects and are present in all locations. By the thousands they accompany travelers, seeking them out from their places in the elements.
In ancient Babylon, demonology had an influence on even the most mundane elements of life, from petty annoyances to the emotions of love and hatred. The numerous demonic spirits were given charge over various parts of the human body, one for the head, one for the neck, and so on.
Greek philosophers such as Porphyry, who claimed influence from Platonism, and the fathers of the Christian Church, held that the world was pervaded with spirits, the latter of whom advanced the belief that demons received the worship directed at pagan gods.
Many religions and cultures believe, or once believed, that what is now known as sleep paralysis, was a form of physical contact with demons.

Jenis-jenis Demon

Pada sesi ini saya akan membahas tentang jenis-jenis demon,dimana saya telah lama mengumpulkan informasi dari berbagai sumber. berikut adalah 68 jenis Demon yang akan kita bahas kali ini. cerita ini bermula pada tahun 1583, Johann Wier, menemukan sebuah manuskrip kuno yang berhubungan dengan witchcraft, di dalam manuskrip tersebut, Johann menemukan 68 iblis yang berpengaruh di dunia "mereka".68 iblis tersebut adalah: 1. Bael 2. Agares 3. Marbas 4. Pruflas 5. Amon 6. Barbatos 7. Buer 8. Gusoin 9. Botis 10. Bathin 11. Purson 12. Abigor 13. Leraire 14. Valefor 15. Morax 16. Ipos 17. Naberius 18. Glasya Labolas 19. Zepar 20. Beleth 21. Sitri 22. Paimon 23. Beliall 24. Forneus 25. Ronove 26. Berith 27. Astaroth 28. Foras 29. Furfur 30. Marchosias 31. Malphas 32. Vepar 33. Sabnacke 34. Sidonay 35. Gaap 36. Shax 37. Crocell 38. Forcus 39. Murmur 40. Caim 41. Raum 42. Halphas 43. Focalor 44. Vine 45. Bifrons 46. Camigin 47. Zagan 48. Orias 49. Valac 50. Gromory 51. Decarabia 52. Amduscias 53. Andras 54. Andrealphus 55. Ose 56. Aym 57. Orobas 58. Vapula 59. Cimeries 60. Amy 61. Flauros 62. Ballam 63. Allocer 64. Saleos 65. Vuall 66. Haagenti 67. Phoenix 68. Stolas. baiklah untuk kali ini kita membahas tentang demon nomor 1 yaitu Bael. 1.Bael Bael/Baal (kadang-kadang dieja Maja, Maja (Perancis), Baell biasanya diucapkan "jaminan") adalah salah satu dari tujuh pangeran dari neraka . ( Dia disebutkan secara luas dalam Perjanjian Lama sebagai idola pagan utama Fenisia, sering dikaitkan dengan kafir Asytarot dewi (tidak harus bingung dengan Astaroth ) Bael menurut Arkeologi dan Kitab Suci Ba `al berarti "tuan itu" yang memerintah atas para dewa tinggi berkumpul di gunung kudus Surga.(Sebuah Redaksi menjelaskan: ini bukan merupakan titik sepenuhnya jelas El atau. Elohim sebenarnya ayah Allah para dewa di Canon. El diminta untuk membantu Baal ketika ia dibunuh oleh Mot, dewa dunia bawah. El tidak bisa mencegah Baal kematian, tapi Baal telah dilahirkan kembali saja),Baal. terutama adalah sebuah dewa matahari, hujan, petir, kesuburan dan pertanian dan pada titik tertentu, dia menyusul dewa air, Inilah "dewa gandum" yang memungkinkan Baal untuk dilahirkan kembali.

Awalnya, dewa Semit Hadad - juga disebut Baal - dipuja oleh Aram yang membawa ibadahnya ke bagian lain dari Mediterania. Awal demonologists, menyadari Hadad atau bahwa " Ba `al "dalam Alkitab disebut sejumlah roh lokal, mulai menganggap istilah tersebut sebagai merujuk kepada satu tokoh.Sampai penggalian arkeologi di Ras Shamra dan Ebla menemukan teks menjelaskan panteon Suriah, yang Zebub Ba'al (atau Beelzebub ) sering bingung dengan berbagai Semit dewa Ba'al , dan dalam beberapa tulisan Kristen itu merujuk pada nama-peringkat tinggi atau iblis kepada Iblis sendiri.

Para ahli Alkitab menunjukkan bukti-bukti sejarah bahwa Moab menyembah Baal.dan ini mengindikasikan Pra-Islam dan Muslim menunjukkan sumber :

(a) bahwa Mekah mengambil alih berhala Hubal dari Moab.

Bael menurut Demonologi Kristen

Baal adalah setan Kristen .Menurut Kristen demonologi, Baal (biasanya dieja "Maja" dalam konteks ini, ada kemungkinan bahwa kedua angka tersebut tidak terhubung) menduduki peringkat sebagai raja pertama dan utama dalam neraka, memerintah Timur. Menurut beberapa penulis Baal adalah Duke, dengan enam puluh enam legiun setan di bawah komandonya. Istilah "Baal" digunakan dalam berbagai cara dalam Perjanjian Lama, dengan arti biasa master, atau pemilik. Dia datang untuk kadang-kadang berarti dewa pagan lokal orang-orang tertentu, dan pada saat yang sama semua berhala tanah.Hal ini juga ditemukan di beberapa tempat di Baalim jamak, atau Baal (Hakim 2:11, 10:10). Ada banyak variasi, seperti dewa matahari, dewa kesuburan, dan Beelzebub, atau tuan "lalat".

Selama Inggris Puritan periode, Baal adalah baik dibandingkan dengan setan atau dianggap asisten utamanya. Menurut Francis Barrett , dia memiliki kekuatan untuk membuat orang-orang yang memanggil dia tak terlihat, dan untuk beberapa demonologists lain kekuasaannya lebih kuat pada bulan Oktober. Menurut beberapa sumber, ia dapat membuat orang bijak, berbicara dengan suara serak, dan membawa abu di sakunya.

Sementara pendahulunya Semit adalah digambarkan sebagai manusia atau banteng , iblis Baal adalah di grimoire tradisi mengatakan untuk muncul dalam bentuk seorang laki-laki, kucing , katak , atau kombinasi daripadanya. Sebuah ilustrasi dalam Collin de Plancy s 'buku 1818 Dictionnaire Infernal agak aneh menempatkan kepala tiga makhluk ke satu set laba-laba kaki.

Gagasan Baal sebagai iblis diciptakan ketika agama Kristen berubah menjadi dewa-dewa kuno setan dan demonologi dibagi populasi setan dari neraka dalam beberapa hierarki.,dewa Semit, tak luput, menjadi sebuah entitas yang terpisah dari Beelzebub.

Okey untuk kali ini yang dibahas adalah Bael...Untuk yang lainnya menyusul.....^_^
